PJO rp

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This drawing has nsfw implications. Nothing big, just uh... lovemarks. But I feel like I should say that real quick.


Meet my character and their boyfriend, from yet another rp.

I cannot be stopped.

My character is the shorter one. Because all my characters are short for some reason...

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So! Meet Alon, son of Poseidon (my character)

And his boyfriend, Sky, son of Aphrodite.

I love them. 

Alon is kinda competitive, but also gets flustered real easy

And Sky is a sweetheart, but also fluent in dirty jokes.

Combine that...

Sky makes a few flirty comments, Alon gets flustered, but takes it as a challenge.

And... uh. Well...

Alon's sibling gets annoyed at them because of the noise.

I feel like I've said enough....

Fan art (also just kinda my own art) 2. Electric  boogaloo.Where stories live. Discover now