The leader (lore)

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None of you guys know what this is about...

Buy this man is a bean, and I love him

Does he have a name...


But I love him

But I love him

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"Child? Child can you hear us?"

They moved, and sat up, looking around confused.

They could feel the light and heat of the sun on their face...

They felt the breeze.

They were outside, and it was daytime...

So why..

"Sir... leader.... wh-why can't I see?"

A soft hum came from their left, and they looked over.

"Your first eyes failed the test.... But you passed with flying colors! We just... had to make a few modifications. How do your hands feel? It was the only place we could think to put them."

They moved their hands, confused.

Something had changed...

Part of their skin felt more... odd..

They carefully moved their left hand, and started picking at the odd skin on their right hand

And it moved.

And they could see again, as they opened their new eyes.

The leader smiled, as he waved to the injured small one with his remaining arm, and looked up at the mother.

"Don't worry. I guarantee we'll find a new arm for your child. I will happily lose my other one for then if need be."

The mother smiled, and nodded

"How is your child, our champion?" She asked, smiling

The leader laughed

"Our greatest pride, as always. They are recovering well..."

The mother nodded, before picking up her child, and walking back to their home

The leader smiled, and headed for the center


He paused, and looked down, seeing the champion stumble over to him. They were reaching a hand forward, trying to both grab at things, and look through their new eyes. The bandages around their eyes still had a few drops of blood on them...

He knelt, and caught the child, as they fell when they had nearly reached him

They were holding a hand behind their back, obviously hiding something

"Hello child. How are you adapting?" He asked, smiling.

They held up their free hand to look at him, the new eyes blinking a few times

"G-good. Colors look brother now! And shapes are clearer... but there's people watching now..." they said, as the leader sat down, pulling the child to sit on his leg

"Mhm. Spies they are. But don't worry. We'll make sure they can't touch you." He promised ruffling their hair

They smiled, widely, revealing a gap in their teeth, where their grown up tooth was still growing in.

"O-oh! I found something for you!" They said, finally revealing what they were hiding behind their back

"P-pretty red! Goes with your green!" They said, holding up the flower for the leader "didn't kill it! Still has roots" they continued, pointing at the roots.

He started, and smiled brightly.

"Thank you child!" He took it gently, as the child smiled.

"In fact.. here look." He says raising the flower, past the stump that remained of his arm, to his shoulder, and pressed it into his skin.

He didn't flinch as the roots started moving, and dug into his skin

He smiled, as the addition was completed, and he felt his flower move a bit in the wind

The Child gasped

"Now it won't die at all." The leader said, ruffling the child's hair

The two sat in comfortable silence for a while, the rest of the tribe walking by, greeting them

After a few minutes

They both move, to look right at you.

"They're staring leader.."

"Mhm. Come now. They don't like following us into the house." The leader said, picking up his child, and started walking back to their house.

Fan art (also just kinda my own art) 2. Electric  boogaloo.Where stories live. Discover now