*Epilogue* Days 65-66 August 16-17

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A/n: So this chapter is really not meant for small children. It contains very dirty things (a.k.a smut and lots of it).

For those who aren't American: UHaul is a moving company in America. And Norfolk International Airport is a real airport in Virginia. (where I am from.)

P.s. I know absolutely nothing about flying (i've NEVER been on a plane) so forgive me for getting probably everything wrong.


We woke up early the next morning so we could catch our plane from Washington to Virginia.

We wanted one continuous flight and, luckily, that’s what we ended up with.

We were going to be on the plane when Josh’s twenty-four hours ran up so I had feeling that he was going to pounce on me while we were on the plane.

Silently I hope that he was going to be asleep for most of the plane ride. I knew I was probably going to be.

The six of us walked through the airport tiredly.

None of us spoke as we went through security and did everything leading up to getting on the plane.

Lily and I clung to each other sadly.

We walked onto the air plane and took our seats.

Me and Lily.

Behind us were Josh and Matt.

Behind them were Ian and Mike.

I leaned my head back and closed my eyes.

Lily rested her head on me.

We were asleep instantly.

“Girls,” Josh shook me and Lily. “Girls, wake up. We’re landing.”

“I was asleep the whole flight,” I whined at the same time Lily said, “No mom, five more minutes.”

I opened my eyes to the pitch black night. “What time is it?”

“9 PM.”

“I slept for fifteen hours?”

“You technically slept for twelve. We changed time zones, remember?”

“That’s right.”

“We’ll get to your mom’s house and spend all night packing. Our next flight to Vancouver leaves at 9 AM.”

The plane landed and we gathered up out carry on items.

We went through NorfolkInternationalAirport and waited to collect out luggage.

We got all of our luggage back safely.

My mother waited to pick me and Lily up.

The guys got a single rent-a-car to use for the next twelve hours.

They followed us back to my mom’s house.

We got out and my mom pulled me aside.

“Which one’s Josh?”

“The one with black and silver hair. Not the one with the Mohawk.” I chuckled.

The guys grabbed a bunch of empty, flat boxes each and carried them to my room.

“Wait, don’t go in there!”

I was too late.

Matt walked into my room and stopped.

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