When he's sick.

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I drove home worried. Mingi hasn't called or texted all day. Which is very unusual as he always texts me. I thought he was busy at the entertainment but when I called Seonghwa, he said Mingi had fallen sick and was sent home.

I walked into the apartment,engulfed in darkness. Who knew the house looked this dark at 6pm. I placed my keys and handbag on the entrance table and removed my shoes. "Mingi?" I questioned.
"I'm home." I heard a groan come from our shared bedroom. I walked towards the bedroom in confusion. What is he doing? The door creeked as I opened it.I gasped.

Half of his upper body was on the ground while the rest on the bed. His arms reaching for his phone which layed on the floor far away from him. "Babyyy..."I cried as I helped him up and gave him his phone. "What happened?Are you sick? Wh-"he cut me off. "Its just a fever. I wanted to call you but I didn't want to worry you. I'll be fine."I immediately stood up and went to get him  medication.

When I got back I saw him all cuddled into the covers but he was shivering.I gave the fever meds and warm water to him and watched as he gulped them down."Thank you"he whispered. I nodded and placed the cup on the head board. I looked at him for a good few minutes. "Mingi you're still shivering."I said with worry laced in my voice. "A hot bath would help you know?"

After preparing a hot bath, I wrapped my arm around his waist and helped him stand. "slowly~"I said. I helped him undress and get into the bathtub.I knelt on the ground and started washing his hair.I watched as he began to relax. He smiled."Thats nice" I continued for a good ten minutes before helping him finish up.He changed into a hoodie and sweatpants and got back into the bed.

While he was resting I quickly made some soup and brought it to the bedroom.
"I bet you didn't eat."he said. "I know but you need it moree~" I sat next too him as I fed both him and myself. "Is it good?" "Its the best."

"Feeling better?"He nodded. "Thank you babe." I smiled. "Come cuddleee~"he whined. I walked to the closet removing my work attire and redressing with a nighty. I ran into the bedroom and cuddled closer to him My head on his chest and hands tightly wrapped around him."Thank you my love"he said. I smiled and looked up at him
"I love you"."I love you too."

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