🌹Bakugo x Reader🌹

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Story type - Fluff

Requested by - No one

AU?- None

Warnings - None.

Quirk - Mind reader, you can read minds most of the time you can control it but sometimes it'll kick in if you're not paying attention.



You sat in class daydreaming out the window as Aizawa Sensei was scolding Bakugo for disrupting his nap as soon as he was done he lazily went back to sleep making you chuckle gaining Bakugo's attention quickly.

You ran a hand through your [H/C] hair before turning back to look out the window when you were suddenly interrupted by a certain explosive blond standing beside your desk.

"The fuck are you looking at extra there's nothing interesting outside dumbass." you turned to him a slightly annoyed look on your face at being disrupted when you were trying to relax.

You looked him up and down making him blush slightly.

"Well... there's nothing interesting in here either so why does it matter?" This caused the blond to get angry once again and he quickly slammed his hand on your desk before class was dismissed. You quickly grabbed your stuff and got up patting the blond's head, his hair surprisingly soft, before you rushed out of the room, him still standing there shocked his face a deep red.

You were relaxing in the dorms sitting in front of a window once again when the blond finally busted through the doors fuming before he quickly stomped up to you and pushed you against the wall harshly causing you to accidently activate your quirk.

What the fuck does this cute dumbass think has doing how dare he pat my fucking head like that making me fucking flustered who the fuck does he think he is... I finally worked up the fucking nerve to ask this dumbass out and he did that and left me there?!

You chuckled as Bakugo sneered at you, tightening his grip. He was about to start yelling when you quickly shut him up by saying.

"Bakugo you know I can read minds, and yes, I'll go out with you." This caused him to quickly let you go, his face turning red as Kirishima and Mina watched from the couch as they quickly started exclaiming Mina stating about how her ship was sailing and Kirishima was stifling his laughter.

"D-dumbass why the fuck would you say that kinda shit with the extras here." He mumbled looking like he was going to murder someone.

"Awhhhh it's okay is the big bad Katsuki shy." You said reaching your hand out and giving him more head pats.

He grumbled out profanities and other threats but made no move to remove your hand from his hair making you smile before you pulled him in for a hug suddenly him immediately going to push you off screaming bloody murder but it using his quirk on you. He soon gave up seeing as his attempts were futile.

"You gonna let me go now?" he said annoyed.

"NOPE YOU'RE MINE NOW!" you said as you jumped on him making him quickly move to catch you.

"Why the fuck do I even like you..."

"Doesn't matter it's too late to go back!" you said, throwing your arms up causing him to lose balance again.

"Don't remind me, dumbass..."

You heard a camera click and Bakugo quickly turned around to see Mina taking photos causing Bakugo to start to chase her around yelling at her to delete them while Kirishima laughed.


You ran a hand through your [H/C] hair before finishing getting ready for your and Bakugo's first date. You got to choose the place and you decided to keep it a surprise knowing how much Bakugo hates them.

You came downstairs to see Bakugo slouched by the door looking annoyed while glaring at the clock.

"HURRY UP [Y/N] WERE GONNA BE LATE DUMBASS!" You chuckled at his explosive personality before giving him a kiss on the cheek successfully making him shut up.

"Where the fuck are we even going when it's this late... I hardly doubt anything open now." Bakugo grumbled hands in his pockets as he walked beside you. I hummed while skipping happily besides him. He glanced at you for a second before rolling his eyes and letting out a noise of annoyance, a slight smile on his face.



739 Words

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