🌹Denki x Drunk Reader🌹

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Story type = Fluff.

Requested by - No One

Warnings = Drunk [Y/n].

Quirk = Not important

Other info = Bad spelling and grammar.



'How did it end up like this?' 

Denki thought as you leaned on him as he was helping you home after you both and a group of buddies from work stayed out late to drink in celebration. You suddenly stopped walking as you looked up towards the blond with a serious look on your face before you leaned in closely. 

"Can I trust you?" laughing Denki nodded amused by your drunken state. It wasn't the first time you've gotten drunk and rambled your secrets to him after all. 

"I'm in love." Suddenly Denki stopped walking, making you slightly stumble before he regained his composure and kept walking, his mood now slightly soured. "And who could you be in love with [N/n]."

He felt his heart clench as he braced for your next sentence which was sure to break his heart. "Buzz buzz boy, he's so beautiful and funny. He always makes me happy and I just want to squish his face and kiss him when I see him. BUT MAKE SURR YOU DON'T TELL HIM! shhh it'd secret so he can't know." 

The now red faced blond looked at you surprise before he smiled ruffling your hair as the both of you continued your walk back to your apartment. 

"Don't worry I won't tell him [N/n]."

"Hmm chu better not…" with that you drifted into sleep causing him to carry you bridal style. 


The sun was streaming through your window causing a groan to leave your lips as your head pounded no doubt due to last night's activities. You tried to sit up to fetch some Tylenol but you were surprised to see you couldn't as an arm was trapping you to the bed. A blush set on your face as you turned to see Denki sleeping behind you, his face buried in your neck. 

You buried your face in your hands as the memories from last night flooded in especially the one where you forced Denki to cuddle you. 

"Fucking idiot."



A/n - Thought I would write this cute little thing. But if your underage plz don't drink, don't be like me kids it's not worth it!

I also just had watermelon and I'm waiting for my father figures mom to leave so I can sit in kitty pool with all my clothes on since I forgot a swimsuit.

As always ilyasm and you guys mean the world to me.

440 Words

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