🌹Denki x Neko Reader🌹

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Story type - Fluff

Requested by - No one

AU? - Your Bakugo's cousin.

Warnings - None.

Quirk - Neko - You quirk gives you claws, better senses, agility, and allows you to turn into a cat.

(Sorry I'm bad with quirk names)

Other info - None. 



You crouched looking up at the table, swishing your tail before jumping your soft [H/c] paws landing on the table as Bakugo rolled his eyes at your antics. 

You noticed someone left a paper ball on the table, your ears going flat on your head as you crouched really to pounce. You jumped quickly, swatting the paper away, falling on your back before quickly flipping back on your feet as Bakugo snickered before pulling out a piece of string successfully getting your attention.

You played with the string never seeming to be able to catch it as you heard footsteps approaching causing you to duck and hide under the couch Bakugo quickly following calling out to you. 


Bakugo yelled as he reached for you causing you to hiss as you'd rather die than be social… unless they had treats… or toys… 

Bakugo disappeared only to come back with your weakness… ice cream… 

You quickly ran out from under the couch changing back to normal as you held your hands out for the treat with a smile on your face ignoring the flabbergasted people watching you. Bakugo threw the ice cream after mumbling brat causing you to stick out your tongue before digging into the frozen food. 

Your tail swished back and forth, ears still pulled back as the group of people talking to your cousin Bakugo was being too loud for you not used to being around large groups of people, you being homeschooling and all. You soon finished your treat planning to escape back under the couch but Bakugo knowing your antics too well for your liking picked you up hanging you with one arm as you dangled by his side as the people you assumed to be his friends cooed over your cuteness trying to touch your ears. 

"Don't touch him dumbass he bites." 

You smile showing off your sharp canines making some of the people flinch. 

You heard a commotion from behind you and Bakugo you dropped your head, you still being held as you saw a blond head struggling to get up. 

'Cute, I guess I'll tolerate him.' You thought before escaping your cousin's grasp and blinding over to the blond male jumping on his and nuzzling your cheek to his making his pause. 

"Guys… who's this… "

After Bakugo explained how his cousin from [Y/c] moved here and insisted on going to UA to torment him everyone seemed to calm down around the strange boy all except Denki who sat tense as you laid across his lap still human you ate some snack Bakugo whipped up. 

You stretch, feeling uncomfortable before turning into a cat and curling up on Denki's lap, him seeming to finally calm down as you purred. The blond scratched your head before petting you as you dozed off deciding to take a little cat nap on the his lap. 



559 Words

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