🌹☁Deku x Sick reader☁🌹

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Story type - Fluff, Angst

Requested by - No one

UA - None

Warnings - Car crash and depression

Quirk - Shock obsorption, you can obsorbe the energy from enemy attacks and blast it back at them with double the force.

Quirk 2 - Regeneration, you can regenerate yourself it makes you really tired of needed to much and makes you very hard to kill some injuries still take time to heal though you can also heal small wounds on others using your spit or blood.



You lie in the hospital bed the monitor slowly beeping as you breathed heavily. You looked out the window and sighed wishing your boyfriend was there with you but you refrained from calling him knowing he was in school and it would only make him worry. You watched the clock as the time slowly ticked by while you daydreamed about the kind of hero you and Deku would be together.

You sighed as a nurse came in with your medicine and started to change out the IV in your hand.


You and your family were driving down the highway music blaring as your mother and father were happily chatting and your brother was on his phone watching All Might give a speech. Your parents were driving you home right after you finished the entrance exams you were proud of yourself since you thought you did moderately good. Good enough to get into class 1-A atleast.

You were happily looking out the window when you heard a phone ping from the front seat you looked up to see your dad texting with one hand and driving with the other you thought nothing of it as you went back to gazing out the window.

You took your headphones and phone out turning on F/S and closing your eyes to hopefully get some rest on the long car ride home.

You woke up to an aggressive jerking and as your eyes flung open you saw your dads phone fly back and hit the back window as he attempted to slam his breaks and swerve out of the way of an upcoming semi. He pulled the wheel so hard he missed the semi but the part of the road they were on was on a steel hill causing the car to lose balance and roll down the hill.

Your headphones flew out of your ears as your phone flew away from you flying out the open window on your brothers side you felt numb and scared as the sounds of twisting metal and breaking glass filled your ears. Your father and mother were screaming your brother silent as the car seemed to keep on rolling and rolling. You felt a pain in your leg as you saw the door twisted in on itself as it hit a rock and easily broke the skin on your leg causing red to slowly slide down. You felt glass cut your face, your hands, your body stung and burned as you stopped keeping track of the pain.

Then it stopped.

No more rolling.

No more pain.

No more screaming or crying.

No more family.

~Flashback ends~

They said it was a miracle you survived at all but you knew better it was your quirk that saved you in the end, there were no miracles, they said that it was a rare genetic mutation that gave you a quirk different to that of his biological families. A part of you was thankful for the chance to stay alive a chance to become a great hero and stop other kids from a similar fate as youraelf but a bigger part of you wished that you had died a part of you wished you could have let go there and then. You wished it all would just go away most nights the nightmares the screaming the blood the loneliness the voice in the back of your head telling you they left you and how you were alone.

You felt the tears fall down your cheeks as you got lost in your head replaying the memory the pain and the heartache that came with the lost of your only family who took you in after your birth parents abandoned you at five years old after they deemed you quirkless because they wanted a strong child to take after them and become pro heros.

You felt a hand on your cheek slowly brush away the warm tears on your face. You jerked your head to see your boyfriend sitting there a frown on his face. You grabbed his hand and held it to your face as you cried. He got into the hospital bed besides you and held you as you griped his shirt and sobbed while he stroked your back and played with your hair knowing that always calmed you down.

"T-There gone Z-Zuku they left me. " Y/N said though it was muffled Izuku still heard it and it made his heart break to hear you cry.

"I know N/N I know... " Your boyfriend whispered softly trying his best to comfort you.

-Time skip brought to you by Mineta getting curb stomped.-

You've been in the hospital for half a month now and your boyfriend comes everyday to visit you sometimes coming with kids from class 1-A you were always happy for the company as it distracted you from the sad mess your life has become. You still were scared over what was going to happen with you since you were technically orphaned again and you only hoped that you were still able to go to UA so you didn't have to give up on your dream and more than anything you hoped you wouldn't need to leave Izuku.

You were going to be discharged from the hospital in a week and you couldn't stop stressing out when you heard a knock on the door to your room.

"Come in." you said not really paying attention while you gazed out the window sitting in the windowsill watching the happy kids run out with their parents your heart clenching.

You heard someone clear their throat startling you as you whipped your head around to see who the new voice belonged to. You saw a rat dog bear thing standing by the door with a-

"ERASEREHEAD AND PRESENT MIC?!" Y/N exclaimed shooting up and cringing at the pain in your leg.

"Hello listener!" said Present Mic while Eraserhead just sighed and Nezu laughed.

"we actually came here to discuss whether or not you wished to still go to UA Y/N I hope you don't mind the intrution... "

-Time skip brought to you by Aizawa needing a nap-

You walked through the gates of UA with Nezu by your side skipping as he walked by you to your new class and home. You burst through the door a bright smile on your face as Aizawa turned to look at you as a slight chuckle escaped past his mouth causing the class to look at him worrying if he was okay.

Izuku looked to you and smiled as you went to introduce yourself and sit behind Izuku the smile never leaving your face.

You and your boyfriend were snuggling in his room holding hands as you slowly drifted to sleep finally happy with your new UA family.

You felt warm lips on yours and hummed contently hearing Izuku whisper how he loved you while you started drifting off. You managed to say I love you back before you fell into a blissful sleep dreaming of your happy future and the people who love you.



1281 Words

MHA Males x Male Reader || Completed ✔ ||Where stories live. Discover now