Chapter 30- The mole

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I feel Magnus' warmth as his arms hold him close to me. The wind makes my skin go numb since it's pretty cold, but Magnus' body keeps me warm, like he did last night.

"Where exactly are we going?" Magnus yells over the wind, and for a brief moment, I feel the warmth of his breath against my neck. It's as if my senses are heightened when I am with him. Every touch, every sound, every whatsoever sensation feels amplified. Taking a glance in the side mirrors of my bike, I make sure no one is following us.

"To a safe place, in a protected spot under my influence, deep in Downworld territory" I respond and Magnus nods, his grip tightening just for a few seconds. With a grin, I suddenly accelerate, making him squeal as we speed, waving trough cars like some mad bikers. I am mad so who cares? It's my territory after all.

"You're crazy! You're so crazy!" Magnus yells in my ear, making me laugh loudly. I just feel happy. Something I never thought I would ever get, but here I am, laughing at my scared love who's despite the fear laughing too.

"Enjoy the ride, glitter boy!" I reply earning a fake offended gasp.

"You didn't just call me that!" My whole body is shaking with laughter and it becomes increasingly difficult to keep the bike steady.

"What, do you prefer being calls glimmer?" I reply, laughing. I watch how Magnus shakes his head in the left side mirror.

"I knew a prostitute who called herself that" Magnus says. I could ask him why he knows a prostitute, but that's none of my business and he'll talk about it if he wants to. I feel the mischievousness rise in my body instead of jealousy.

"So you don't want me to make you my bitch?" I can't help but smirk at his gasp and...was that a silenced moan? I knew it. Magnus keeps silent and hides his head on my back. I'm going to explore this information more extensively if I have the opportunity later. But not now. I watch the safe house approach fastly so I slow down and stop in front of the building where one of my personal protectors waits, his rose tattoo clearly exposed on his chocolate skin. I help Magnus off the bike, then get down myself. Raj looks at me with sad eyes, yet his stance is the army-like stance I taught them as the one they have to take to show me their respect.

"Raj. I suppose everything went according to plan?" Raj just nods and as we enter the dishevelled building, I feel a hand take mine. I turn around and look at Magnus who seems a little intimidated.

"You alright?" I whisper only for Magnus to hear. Magnus nods and after climbing three floors and walking down a dark hall, we reach the apartment I use as a safe house or prisoner house, depending on the occasion. I turn around to Magnus, one hand on the doorknob.

"Magnus, what I tell you now is really important, I don't care what's going on inside of you, what you are thinking or what you want to do, do you understand?" Magnus nods with wide eyes before schooling his features.

"I am not the person you know when I enter this room, I am not your Alexander. I am The Panther. The dangerous man, the one who kills other people for a dirty look. You will not doubt anything I tell you to do, you will not talk unless I tell you to do so. You will not interrupt me no matter what I do. Do you understand?" Magnus gulps and his pupils are slightly dilated.

"I understand" he replies huskily and the next second I open the door and enter, letting Raj enter last and lock it behind him. The room is dimly lit, and like the rest of the building, it smells like old, rarely cleaned rooms. In the middle of the bare room, there's a boy, not even sixteen, bound to the chair. He has brown skin and black defiant eyes that glare past me at Raj, then at me.

"David. I didn't think it would be you" I greet the boy, my voice cold as liquid nitrogen. I watch a little shudder go through the boy, his eyes not so defiant anymore.

"Panther" with one kick, he's falling with his chair and the back hits the ground. I hear a faint gasp behind me, but ignore it, instead focussing on the boy at my feet.

"Why!? You had everything you could ever wish for! I took you off the streets, protected you from the cops. I FUCKING SAVED YOU FROM JAIL THREE TIMES AND THIS! IS HOW YOU FUCKING THANK ME?!" I grab the boy by his hair and yank him up again, earning a pained scream as I rip out a part of it.

"ANSWER ME!" I roar at him. His black eyes well in tears due to the pain of having to support his entire bodyweight by his scalp.

"I DIDN'T KNOW! I DIDN'T KNOW SHE WAS A WEREWOLDF! I SWEAR I SWEAR!" he yells. I slap him across the face, making his head turn to his shoulder violently before taking a step back to keep myself of hurting him again.

"Explain" David spits out some blood, his head hanging low.

"I met this girl, in no man's land...we instantly clicked and told each other everything, or so I thought. It's only when my dad called me in here and bound me to the chair that I knew. She ran away...I swear I didn't know!" he babbles out. I turn around to watch Raj looking down, hiding his tears and Magnus staring at me, his eyes slightly more opened than the natural. I walk towards Raj.

"Your knife"

"Please...Panther don't kill him..." Raj pleads, but I just hold out my hand until he gives me his knife, a Kershaw Launch 7. I take it and walk back to David who's now trembling.

"Close your eyes"

"Please..." David whispers, following my order nevertheless. I grab his jaw, tilt it to the side, exposing his neck and his biggest vein.

"You deserve to die" I growl. But instead of slitting his throat, I carve a small 1 on the back of his jaw, near the hair. David screams, and tears flow down his cheek as the blade cuts the flesh.

"This is your last chance, David. The smallest of mistakes, and your life will be in the past" I growl. I turn around and walk to Raj who looks at me with the most grateful look I've ever seen on him.

"Take care of him, Raj. He will stay here until I figure out how to let the others give him a second chance" Raj nods solemnly. I turn my head to Magnus and hold out a hand, he takes to my relief.

"Let's go"


We didn't say a word until we got back to Magnus' apartment, me dreading the conversation and idea. Once we're inside, I close the door and wait for Magnus to say anything.

"Alexander?" His smooth voice fills the absolute silence. I look up to Magnus, just to see his concern.

"You okay?" he asks and I nod.

"I should ask you that, Magnus...I just...I understand if you don't want to talk to me anymore. Magnus just shakes his head and within seconds, his arms are around my waist.

"You stupid, silly Panther. I will always want you. But what you need now, is to relax" he says and a wave of relief courses through my entire body. He still wants me. My love still wants me. Magnus' soft lips suddenly land on mine for a brief, beautiful kiss.

"What do we do now?" I ask and Magnus' eyes light up in mischief...


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