Chapter 32- Driving home.

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Author's note: just ignore the pictures on the top, it has nothing to do with this story.
Enjoy the new chapter!



I am floating on a cloud, somewhere in the depths of calmness and peace. On the brink between falling back asleep or fully waking up. A source of warmth warms me and keeps me safe and I listen to the strong and steady thumping of a heart. The sound has grown familiar to me. I don't know where I am or who it belongs to, but I know the person will keep me safe.


The hands tightening on my shirt makes me glance down to Magnus who scrunches up his nose just a little. My personal angel is waking up. When I got into the car, I wanted to put Magnus in the other seat but he just didn't let go, so now my beautiful boyfriend is sitting on my lap, head against my chest, legs and feet resting ont the next making it impossible to me to grab the gear stick without having to rest one arm between Magnus thighs...
I keep focussing on the streets as Magnus shifts a little, burying his face in my chest. His warm breath tickets as my chest as he takes several deep breaths.

"Mmmmh" Magnus grumbles softly as he gets closer to really waking up.

"Where are we?" A hoarse voiced Magnus asks. I would have said it's sleep clouded, but the additional raspy nuance in his voice could very well come from our activities in the club. Activities we both thourughly enjoyed.

"On the way home, love. You fell asleep" I reply, glancing down again to two make up smeared closed eyelids.

"Kay...wait." Magnus pulls away with wide eyes.

"I have to do some paperwork at the club!" He exclaims, shocked.

"And I-I fell asleep??? Oh my god! I'm so sorry I-"

"Shhh calm down, love. It's okay" Removing my hand from the gear stick, I lay it on his thigh and squeeze it in a calming, yet slightly dominant gesture.

"You were tired and you can still take care of the business tomorrow.'re still having the thighs full of cum. Let's just take a nice bath and go to sleep then, it's been an eventful day" Magnus slumps back against my chest and relaxes a little.

"Ragnor is going to be mad..." Magnus sighs.
"...not that it matters, he's always salty. And you're right I can do it tomorrow"

"How come we're in a car though?" I chuckle a little at the barely mumbled words.

"I called Jace so he could bring a car and take my bike home" I smile. I wish Magnus had seen Jace's face when he saw Magnus in my arms. For a second I was scared his eyes would fall out of his head as he eyed the -I'll admit many- hickeys that decorate Magnus' throat and shoulders.

"Hmm why do I feel like there's something you aren't telling me?" Magnus huffs a little.

"Let's just say he didn't expect the way your throat and shoulders look like" Magnus gasps a little then starts to laugh.

"Let me guess, I look like I've been choked?"

"More or less, yes" Magnus' finger traces the outline of my shirt.

"Then maybe one day you should really try?" Magnus ask sensually, yet I hear the slight edge in his voice that tells me about his insecurity.

"If you want that, then we'll try, love. We'll try anything you'd like to try out, you only have to say the words. But for now let's just have a bath and relax. Today was..."

"Nerve-wracking? Hot? Emotionally overwhelming?" Magnus asks.

"All of it, I guess"

A few minutes later we arrive at his mansion. I open the door, then lift Magnus in my arms and exit the car. Once we're inside, I immediately carry Magnus to the master bathroom and sit him on a marble countertop.

"Wait here, love" I peck his lips and get things ready for our bath.

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