Chapter X- Fights.

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Six months later.

"Move move move!" The medical team rushed as the head of the team yelled while screams echoed thought the hallway.

The voice sounded almost inhuman. It was terrible and even the most experienced of the doctors and nurses felt chills and got goosebumps all over their skin.

Within less than a minute they had crossed the hall, meds ready.

"Open the door!" The pale doctor ordered and the steel door opened. Three of the five men team entered the room where a pale man with messy black hair screamed in his sleep, squirming in the straps holding him down.

The two nurses made sure that the fastenings held, while the doctor grabbed the man's head to stop it from hitting the bed.

"Mr Lightwood ! MR LIGHTWOOD WAKE UP!" the doctor yelled. After another few attempts the man finally woke up, gasping for air, crying desperately.

"Mr. Lightwood breathe! You need to calm down or we have to sedate you" the doctor called as one nurse prepared the needed meds.

"No! No! Please no meds! I can't sleep anymore! Make it stop! Please! Don't make me sleep" the man cried, begged and pleaded as he desperately gasped for air.

"I can only do that if you breathe and calm down" the doctor answered a bit calmer. He saw the man's effort and attempts of listening.

"M-m-magnus?" The man asked desperately.

"He's not here Mr Lightwood. You're not ready to see him yet" the doctor replied. And despite the distance he put between him and his patients, the mourning look the man gave him, made his heart break. The man looked almost like a boy, a boy lost in a big crowd.

"P-please...let me see him...I beg you...I'll do anything..." the doctor turned to the last nurse.

"Call him" the nurse obeyed.

"MR LIGHTWOOD" The doctor bellowed between the man's desperate pleading. The man's eyes focused a little bit more onto the doctor just as the nurse handed a phone on speaker.

"Listen, he's here" the doctor said softly.

"Alexander" the voice coming out of the speaker made Alec sob.


"It's me, my love. Breathe, it's okay.  Breathe. You're safe" the voice said from the phone. Alec sobbed desperately as he tried to reach for the phone but he was still strapped down.

"Come get me, please, come get me" Alec begged.

"I'm here, Alexander. You will come out as soon as you get better. I promise I'll come see you as soon as the doctors say it's okay" the man's voice on the phone cracked briefly.

"Y-you promise?" Alec suddenly asked, and stopped crying.

"I swear it Alexander. I love you, I always will" the voice said. Alec didn't hear that the man cried. But the doctors did.

"I love you too..."

"I know. Now, sleep, my love. I promise it's okay. I still love you. And I always will"

"Okay, okay...I will..." Alec shook his head and laid back down, silent tears now streaming down his eyes, into his hair. Then he closed his eyes. He let the voice belonging to Magnus soothe him back to sleep. Then the team retracted.

"How is he really?" Magnus asked the doctor, finally letting go of the self control he had.

"The PTSD is catching up with him. A lot. He's very unstable" the doctor said.

"When can I see him?" Magnus asked a sob reaching the doctor's ears.

"As soon as he's stable enough. We don't know exactly when that will be"

"Okay...thank you" Magnus replied and hung up.

Silence fell against over the high security department of Idris psychiatric wards.

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