Chapter 25- The decision

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Author's note: I'm sorry. So very sorry guys.

"Alec, dearest. Nice to see you again babe. It's been way too long"


His fake sweet voice makes me want to shove his teeth down this throat.

"Come to the point Sebastian" I growl as Sebastian starts to pout, making me want to gag.

"No hello? Not even a 'how have you been'? You seem to have lost your manners, babe...I feel like daddy has to teach you a lesson huh?" I would've laughed at the face Robert does at this overly disgusting comment of Sebastian if it hadn't been Sebastian who had made it and Magnus wasn't in danger.

"You said you wanted peace. Why kidnap Magnus?" Okay. Keep cool, he can't know you want to kill him.

"Oh I said that, yes but your little toy happened to be in my way..." Sebastian grins childishly at me. Damn that guy really needs a doctor. Or at least he may need one very soon.

"What is your price, Sebastian?" I ask firmly, trying to hold back the unimaginable anger at the fact that Sebastian called MY MAGNUS a little toy. That asshole tilts his head to the side and mimicks the thinker pose.

"Hmmm...what getting rid of your Magnus boy, huh?" That. Fucking. Asshole. I'm gonna peel off his skin with a razor if I ever get to catch him alone. I feel Jace shuffle behind me uncomfortably.

"Why?" I ask with a raised eyebrow. Robert barks out a laugh along with that asshole of...failed fling? Ugh whatever.

"Because it is what I want" he states as if it was the most simple thing on this freaking planet.

"You f... really? How am I going to break up with him if I don't know where he is?" I ask playing dumb.

"No worries, babe. We'll go there with you"

"It's Alec. If I break up with him, we are in peace and you let him be?" An evil smirk covers Sebastian's disgusting lips.

"Told ya Robert, he'd get there. And yes we have a deal. I'll call you in a few hours to tell you where we are. See you babe!" Sebastian yells as he turns around and within seconds they are gone. I turn next to Jace and my team who both look at me worried.

"Hold the line, no one gets through. I have a deal to settle"



Unclear sounds are all I register as my brain starts to wake me up again. This and the gag in my mouth that is probably out of some kind of dirty cloth because it is truly disgusting. Slowly memories flash into my mind. I called Cat. Then everything got black.

"Seems like someone is finally awake" A cold voice that sends shivers down my spine behind me says as I look around and see that I'm in an empty warehouse. Some footsteps are to be heard and I am finally able to look at a thin man with blonde hair and grey eyes.

"So... Magnus isn't it? The new toy of my toy. I'd say it's a pleasure to meet you but I don't like others to touch what is mine." The man says as he glares down to me. Toy? I? Of... Alexander? Wait he says Alec is his toy... what?

"You know the restraints won't break you can stop struggling" Did I mention that I am kneeling with my ankles attached to my wrists? Who is this damn guy? What does he have to do with Alec? And where is Alec?

"So many questions in you eyes...sadly I'm the only one who is going to talk here. But you see I thought we could have a little chat about my toy" the dude chuckles almost childishly like those creepy people in horror movies. All I can do is stare at him so it's actually what I do.

"You see, Alec and I gave a long history. Even before he became part of the Downworld. I've always wondered, is he also a good lay to anyone else? So tell me did you get laid?" I blankly stare at him. I didn't but what I shared with Alec is precious I won't let him tarnish that. Wrong move because next thing I know is that I am being slapped across the face. The pain strings but I won't let it show.

"That was for even touching him. You get it, he's mine." I groan behind my gag a as if.

"Oh but he is, Mag. Actually, he is on his way here..." Alec is coming? Yes!!!
"...he traded you for the Downworld. He only doesn't know at what extend" Sebastian half sings as his lips curl into a smile that truly is frightening. Traded?

In that very second a metal door of the warehouse opens and my Alexander appears. I scan his face as he approaches, his expression is grim and cold. Totally emotionless.

"Alec babe! Took you long enough!" The guy greets Alexander in a overly friendly tone. That serpent. Alexander, just comes to stand right in front of him.

"Let him go and I'll do my part of the deal" his grim voice tells me how stressed he really is.

"Oh but Alec, I just figured a thing. You would keep coming to him in secret. Where's my guarantee?" Ugly blonde tilts his head to the side.

"No, no, no Alec. That can't happen, you care too much for him"

"I don't. What should I do so you believe me?" Alexander's words feel like a punch in the guts. His cold eyes haven't even looked at me as he said this. Is it true? He doesn't care? I try to hold back my tears, but the pain in my chest is making it hard.

Suddenly, the blonde draws two guns and hands one to Alec.

"You know what to do. Shoot him. That's the deal" this is the moment Alexander looks at me. It's only for he glimpse of a second but I can tell he's unhappy. Nevertheless, he takes stance in front of me the gun drawn as the blonde one disappears somewhere behind me. So this is it. I'm going to die, by the hands of the man that I love. But I won't make it easy so I do what I can, I stare into his eyes.


The sight of Magnus in this condition is infuriating me. But it's not as if I have a choice. A deal is a deal. Because the subtext of what Sebastian said was his life or mine. I bend down and remove the gag that seems to be an old shirt that has been ripped. Magnus takes a deep breath through his mouth but his eyes never leave mine. These mesmerising eyes that stare at me like those of a kicked puppy. My puppy, my baby.

"Any last words?" I ask as coldly as I can. Magnus cracks a weak smile.

"It was a losing game, wasn't it? To love you" Magnus whispers, his eyes glued to mine.

"Do it, Alec. A deal is a deal." Sebastian grumbles a few feet behind Magnus. I glance at him before staring back into Magnus' eyes that are filled with incurable sadness. But I don't let it reach my heart. I can't. Because dying is not an option.

3rd person

"I don't want to die..." Alec states, his voice cold and emotionless. He lets the end of the gun touch Magnus' head between his eyebrows.

" you're going to have to." Alec finishes and without a second thought he pulled the trigger, the ear shattering noise of a bullet being released rocking through the warehouse. Next came the thud of a body falling to the ground. Dead.

Don't be shy to comment what you feel right now! I guess I must have triggered a few of you, haven't I ?

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