Christmas special

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"Yoongi! Can you call the boys for me??" Namjoon peeks his head from behind the door.

Yoongi, who was studying for his upcoming test, nodded with a 'yes dad' and stood up. He walked upstairs past the Christmas lights decoring the Stair Rails and past the Other christmas decor here and there.

"Ayo Dad is calling us downstairs" he spoke standing behind all his brothers. 

The youngest immediately Jumped up, his Eyes twinkling and Hands clamped together, the already 4 year old stared up at his Oldest brother and squealed "Is it alr- already Geschenke öffnen time, hyung!?" He jumped up and down. His excitement to much for his small body to handle.

Yoongi smiled and nodded towards his baby brother and ruffled his hair. Jungkook let out a loud 'yay' before he ran downstairs yelling 'WAIT FOR ME WAIT FOR ME'. Yoongi turned towards Taehyung and Hoseok who were busy playing Games to pay attention "Ah Hyunggg!!" Taehyung groaned "Hör auf zu gewinnen !!".

"Nein!" Hoseok laughed.

Trough the years Taehyung and Hoseok have become alot better in German. They now understood and could talk very good and were at the Language capability of a 4 year old, so Jungkook.

  Namjoon has also improved trough the years. He took it on himself to study as hard as possible, and then 3 years ago when they went to Germany to visit Jin's parents namjoon proposed. 

It was very special. They went Ice skating and to a amusement park, and when they were at the highest point in the ferris wheel, Namjoon went on one knee and proposed. It was the most romantic and special thing ever. Plus the lights of the City really made it much better.

They planned to marry in a year, In August somewhere. Yoongi remembered it clearly.  But then Jimin's health went backwards and he got pneumonia plus a Fever, and Cause of the still unknown lung dissease he had Jimin had to go on a ventilator at the hospital. 

He was laying in the ER for 5 months. The doctors told The Kim Family that Jimin doesn't have much time anymore. His lungs are giving up and unless they find a donor he cannot be saved anymore.

  The world of Both families who eventually made one big family fell apart at hearing that. And Seeing Jimin so Pale and weak and thin, his life depending on a ventilator really didn't make it any better. So after alot of talking they had moved it to March instead of August.

Dad N and Dad still S. Still had the perfect Wedding they wanted, it was big and beautiful. And it had everything they wished for, their family was whole, the guests all came and gave them presents. Jungkook finally Walked!!

Plus the wedding Cake was AMAZING!! It was a shame Jimin couldn't taste it tho...

Now 2 years later they are still strong. Yes there were fights here and there and arguments. Yoongi grew closer to Namjoon trough the years and now sees him like a father figure.

Jackson, yoongi and Jimin's father also became 'friends' with the Kim Family.  It's unbelievable but he and Namjoon had now become friends and if not even Bestfriends,  Seokjin did make sure of it that Namjoon knew who he belonged to. He made sure Jackson knew to. Since 3 years ago that Jackson moved to America Yoongi was allowed to go visit him once a year. Each year, mostly in the summer, he went to America to his father for a month.

He spended time with his father, who eventually married a nice lady named Zeraya and got a daughter zoë, for a whole month and then he returns back home. And Zeraya is so nice!! She takes care of Yoongi and always updates Seokjin on yoongi when he's there (like my mom and step-mom 🥰).

"Ugh! Bro I wanna open my presents ! Hurry up!!" Yoongi groans and drags his brothers out of the bedroom.


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