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I roll my eyes as once again my mother surveyed the bar for a potential son in law for me to 'find love with' "mom can you stop I'm working and I'm not interested in anything" she scoffs at me "ooo what about the three who just walked in" I look at the door as I lock my face to neutral while the three sons sit at the other end of the bar. I walk over with there usual beers "thanks darlin" I nod at Jax "little girl" Happy raises his beer in thanks causing me to smirk in response then there's Opie who reaches forward to brush his thumb on my hand "thanks tiny" of course Hary Winston is one of the few who are big enough to call my curvy body with extra weight 'small' in any way I fight my grin and pull my hand back from the giant fast as somone taps there glass for a refill turning around I can feel my mom's grin before I see it. I close my eyes once I got back to mom "no suters here huh?" "Mom guys like that aren't into people like me" I feel my frown at my own truth clearing my throat "hey darlin we will take another round" Jax states. Once I turn to them I'm disappointed to see a skinny girl taking Opie's hand and giggle at somthing he said I force the smile back on my face "thanks darlin" I nod keeping my head down "no problem" I could hear the softness in my voice and turn away "you ok little girl" I nod my head as I walked toward the other bar tender signaling I'm taking a smoke break she grins wide waltzing towards Happy normally I would laugh at that but I need to get myself together before surving Opie the rest of the night as I pass my mom I see her sorry eyes great now she feels bad for me "told ya" was all I said as I walked by her not seeing the concerned look Opie is throwing my back.

In the middle of trying to set the small woman next to me up with Jax I tune Jax out though to focus on the task till I hear Roxy's softer voice "no problem" how odd for her to be so quiet with us "you ok little girl" that grabs my attention I turn toward Roxy to see what's wrong but she's already gone. It's strage to ever hear Rox be quiet with anyone as she has made it clear multiple times she won't be taking anyones shit so for somone to have made her that way pissed me off no one is allowed to make her feel awquward but me and I pride myself on it I begin to survey the room to find who did it but freeze making eye contact with an older version of Roxy must be her mother she mentioned she was coming around for the holidays and I noticed how quiet that made her. I watch as the older woman moved down and sat next to us at the bar "Roxann seems to like you three she seemed to relax a little once you guys walked in. I'm Ruth her mom" Happy noded at her, Jax shook her hand and I smiled "nice to meet you yeah we are a few of Rox's friends while you're here maybe she will bring you to meet the others" she grins at me "so how long you gonna watch my baby before you tell her you have a thing for her" I grin wider "well I was gonna let her come to me honestly" she sighs "well she is now under the impression scrawny bimbos are your type" "shit" I mutter while Jax shakes his head and Happy being the ass he is grins and rasps "nice job Ope" .  After some advice from momther dear I make my way out back to join Rox "hey tiny you ok?" she forces a smile at me and nods "yup" she pops her P wich she does wheb she is trying to act fine. I reach over and take a drag from her cigarette "I wasn't intrested in the stick...i was trying to get her with Jax. Happy wants to take your friend home and I was gonna offer to take you home" she shrugs "Ope you could have fucked her in front of me and I wouldn't care" she looks at the wall beside us and I can't help my smirk as she tries to act like she didnt care. I lean down next to her ear as I put my hands on either side of her waist then whisper "thats not what your mom thinks" her face becomes red as she pulls away laughing nervously. We stand quietly sharing a smoke "well I better go back to work umm Ope go find some pussy" I frown at those words and grab her arm pulling her back to me "ive found one in just waiting for you to let me show you how love is supposed to be" with that I crash my lips on to her for a breath taking kiss making her moan loud pulling away I smirk at her red blush as she walks back inside. I was just finishing a smoke when Ruth rushed out the back door to me "I know you dont reallyknow me but I need help" then ran back in me rushing behind her entering the bar I look to find a pissed Rox holding a switch blade to the guy currently man handling Happy's current love interest next to them is Jax holding a pissed Happy back "Roxanne all I did was cut him off" the other bartender softly spoke to Rox. Roxy cleared her throat "I would have to agree with cutting you off clearly you can no longer make rational decisions at this point" then the dushbag reliesed the woman who ran to Happy to be engulfed in his protective stance to turn to mine and say "you're gonna wanna put that blade away girly before it gets used against you" I could see red as Jax steped slightly in front of me telling me to wait "I want you out of my bar ass hole!" I hear her yell as I'm looking into Jax's warning eyes until we hear her blade clank to the floor we both look over as Hap pushed his girl to Jax and pull his piece I follow his move to see dushbag holding a gun to her side and a terrified Roxy looking at the gun with Hap holding his to the ass holes head. Pushing Jax out of my way I pull Rox to me pushing her to Jax who quickly steps infront of both girls as Hap and I take to handeling the ass.

Stairing down at the gun pointed at me a freeze I don't register much except that the sons protected us staning behind Jax I hold a crying Rose "it's ok darling. It will be okay." Happy and Ope took the guy lord only knows while Jax stayed at the bar with us until closing he offered a ride home and I knew Rose was more scared then I was so I sent her. Notice I said more scared not that I wasn't scared I clung to my switch blade as I walked to my apartment about two miles away after the first mile I heard two bikes that pass me one circled back and I glanced up terrified till I spotted the reaper and recognized Oppie had stopped beside me "get on" I ran over and got on as I whisper yelled to him "thank you...Harry I'm scared of guns" he rose his eye at the name "if you call me Harry again you shold be" he grins as I snicker as he covered my thigh squeezing it reasuringly "I won't let anything happen to you Tiny I love you too much" with that I wrap my arms around him tightly as he takes me home I whisper in his ear "I love you too Opie".

Sons Of Anarchy One Shots Part 1 *requests closed!*Where stories live. Discover now