unbalanced individuals

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Mentions abuse from parents and graphic content!

I'm Rachel the child of the club...well no technecly I'm the unwanted daughter of a croweater and a hang around notice the unwanted part. MY mother used to bring me with her and keep me here all night while she fucked everything with a heartbeat that would let her. The club was my family from day one despite neither of my parents being members I grew up with Jax and Opie as my brothers and protectors in school, Tig, Chibs, were my uncle's tig was the fun one where Chibs was more of the responsable one, Clay took on the father role pretty quickly noticing that my parents wouldn't, and piney  ah Piney he was like my dad he stayed up with me and listed to me ramble about kittens or flowers or what evere I would tell him about then when things started to get a little too mature for me he would take me to a spare room and have me get bathed, and into some new PJ's wtch the club members all put money in to get me, then he would watch me till I fell asleep then go about his night I was always good for him. Eventually Happy became like my best friend who would come and visit I'm one of the few he will actually have a conversation with and he is the only one who knows how dark my mind is and gets. I'm about 17 now been raised by the club I dont even stay at my mother's unless I have to she's mean when she drinks and my father is always mean. One night my father and I got in an argument because I asked him why we couldn't stay home and just me a family for a night well we can say he got mad and webt off on me then they sent me to the car once we arrived for the night and I went about my night hanging out untill the pain in my stomach got too much so I decided it was bedtime when I went around giving my hugs keeping Happy and Piney for last "hey Hap I'm heading to bed for the night" he looks up at me strange "already? It's super early for you Rach everything ok" I smile as him and Bob my head Happy stands up to hug me when he goes to pick me up I try to resist my wince apearently not good enough "what's wrong" he asks in his raspy voice. I pull away and go on to Piney not noticing him follow me "hey daddy I'm gonna head to bed I'm really tired" Piney gives me a hug and kiss on my head suddenly Happy pulls me and lifts my shirt so he can see my stomach with bruising and I hear Piney beside me "what the hell?" Looking up Happy demands loudly "WHO?" the room goes silent I look up and look arond every member was now looking at me with just barely held anger. I got my shirt loose running to my dorm room with my face down avoiding everyone's calling me to stop. Getting in the room I lock it and go to take get my shower getting out I see the lock on my door has been picked and Happy sitting on my bed he says nothing as I get closer he pulled me into his arms and held me as I started to bawl I break not being able to keep it from him and tell him about the fight and my mother all of it he pulls my head up and looks in my eyes "is this the first time he's done this" I look down staying silent "okay that's a no...how about this one long has it been going on and how often" I mumble "every time I stay there" he pulls my head back up kisses my cheek and pulls me back to him I cling to him like a life line he leans into my ear and says "I'm angry you never told anyone and we will be descussing it later do you understand?" I nod my head again. I hear Happy speak "you get all that?" I then notice Piney standing in my doorway he comes forward kisses my head "you stay here from now on we will get your stuff tomorrow" he takes off down the hall and I feel I know whats happening but can't get myself to care as I start to fall asleep in Happy's arms I mumble "Happy don't leave me tonight" he picks me up and puts me on my bed he kicks off his boots and lays his cut on my desk "I won't but you need to let Chibs check you" I nod as I start to fall asleep I hear Hap go down the hall a few minutes later I hear two sets of feet one in boots one not "hey darlin' I'm jus gonna feel yer ribs to check if there broken then ill be on ma way" I nod and wince when he touches them I feel Happy grab my hand. Later Gemma came in to see my mother and father tied with there backs to each other in chairs and noticed me already in bed and the silence in the room "what's wrong with all of you"  Piney is the first to speak "these fuckers hurt my daughter and I'm gonna kill em"  gemma nods and walks back to my room to see me but stops short when she opens the door and sees me tangled up in Happy's arms and sees his asleep with his head leaning on my head holding me for dear life she smiles and clicks a picture then backs out smiling. Looking at the picture she says "well I guess she's not lesbian after all" then sends the picture to everyone.0

Jax POV:

Pulling into TM I notice the paty is not happening how odd walking in I see a disgusting sight of a torcher in process Rachel's mother had been skinned almost from head to toe Tig smiles at me holding her skin as if it was a snake skin and says "hey Jax need a new coat?" Oppie belts out a laugh as I run to the nearest garbage can and get sick. "What the fuck guys really?" I pass Tig and Opie as they clean up her body heading into the kitchen for some food and am met with her father laying on the counter I see his fingers and toes have been removed and his legs as well. I open my mouth to speak just as Clay holds his arm out while Piney cuts through it with the electric Turkey carver I turn to the grabage by the door and get sick again as I feel somthing on my sholder I turn to see the hand of said arm and hear Chibs ask "oie Jackie boy ya need a hand?" I can't believe my eyes he laughs and pulls me to church and explins what happened then gets up to go back out to help he stops at the door and says "oh By tha way ya sisters been claimed" and walks out. By the time I come out of church the bodies are gone and I look at Oppie, Chibs, Tig, Clay, and Piney smiling at me and drinking. I would have done the same thing she is family and we protect our own all I can do is take a shot and laugh "you're all vary unbalanced individuals". They all laugh and continue to drink.

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