sick moves

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"No Ope side to side...move your hips not your feet...come on are you even trying?" I hear Jax and Happy laugh and I turn to glare as them. "Jess this is stupid why are you doing this again?" From him using my nickname the rest of the club uses for me I can tell hes frustrated  I look at Opie and roll my eyes "because Ope if I lose the bet I have to get 'Tig's Bitch' tattooed on my ass...then I will be too embarrassed to ever have sex again which means I will be a cranky bitch forever. Do you want that Opie Winston do YOU want ME to be a cranky bitch forever because you don't know how to swing your hips?" I high and turn to walk to the club house for a break not realizing Ope followed me. Apearently I hurt his feelings by questioning his ability to use his hips because as I lean on the bar and reach for my water I feel hands of my waist and somone lean and whisper in my ear "you don't have to be embarrassed to get laid little bit I'll fuck the cranky bitch outta ya" my eye widen as I recognize Opies deep voice. Heading back outside I bump him with my hip "Don't let my dad hear you say that Big Guy he migh-" I'm cut off by me fathers Scottish voice "say wha?" Ope's smile isteantly drops and as usual I cover for him "that he shouldn't have to learn how to move his hips because he can dance better then you". My dad looks at him and says "nah boyo! I got sec moves..." I snape my head to my dad "sec moves dad you mean sick me I have never seen you dance in any way or form in my entire life" I say in disbelief. Dad makes a motion for us to step back I hear Hap. Mumble "Great he's gonna break a hip" then we hear Jax yell "Don't hurt yourself old man" Big man and I laugh then hear "Oh ya keep laughin' yull see"

 Mumble "Great he's gonna break a hip" then we hear Jax yell "Don't hurt yourself old man" Big man and I laugh then hear "Oh ya keep laughin' yull see"

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All of a sudden from the garage come Tig's big mouth "damn Ope he's better then you...Jess looks like my name is going on your ass" all of a sudden everyone stops waiting my dad's comment "well thas not gonn 'appen" .  Happy speaks up and rasps "no no the deal was either Oppie learns how to move his hips to a beat before closing time or Jess gets 'Tig's Bitch' on her ass." Dad nods then grabs Oppie "well les go lad" I look after them horrified that my own dad was going to take him away so I couldn't teach Ope. I run up stepping infront of dad and stop him in his tracks "where are you going?" I whine out, he walks passed me "well I'm gon make 'im dance no fuckin daughter o' mine is gonna 'ave Tig's name on 'er arse for tha res o' yer life!...i love him but 'ot tha' much" I'm taken off gaurd by the anger in his voice. I go back to my dorm and fight back my tears he has never raised his voice at me I have always been a good kid.

*2 minutes before closing*

I can finally breath as I come around the corner to everyone watching Ope dance to an upbeat song and cheering I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and head back to the club house as I pass hap I grab his arm and pull him down so only he can hear me "Happ I need a favor...i need you to do a cover up for me" he nods and waits about 5 minutes before he follows me into the club house and back to my dorm "hey sis what do you need covered up?...oh...where did you get that?" I look down embarrassed as I admire my ink wich is being seen for the first time Oppie's name surounded by black and silver swirls "I snuck out and went to a party...I never thought anyone would ever see it but this was too close...happ you can't tell anyone. Ope and I we flirt and all but its all just playing around he can't know how I feel...he can't know about this" he sighs "I mean are you sure? He probably wouldn't mind maybe you should tell him" I shake my head finally looking up "Happy either you do it or I will find somone who will!" I say a bit louder then I ment to.


I really didn't mean to yell at my daughter earlier I wasnt really mad at her more the situation she put herself in I'm gonna have to apologize to her but first I want to change. After teaching my futer son in law to dance and avoiding my child being stuck with Tig on her arse I'm walking by Jessie's dorm and hear 'Happy either you do it or I will find somone who will' thinking the worst I opens her door expecting to see my daughter about to do a sexual act with Happy instead of Oppie who has had a claim on her for at least 5 years now...instead laying there on her bed is Jess with her Jean shorts pulled down and Happy about to do somthing to cover somthing up on her hip I close the door behind me out of respect for her.  As I step forward I see a vary nicely done tattoo of Oppie's name I'm willing to bet he doesn't know about "I would not do tha if I were ya Happ." I watch Jess look to the floor before she raises her head back up with a new found attitude she sasses at me "he can and he is going to because I told him to". Not impressed with her mouth I look her I the eye as I scold her "Jessica Telford don't take tha tone wit me" I give Happy a hard look and I see him nod slightly telling me he got the meaasge not to do anything yet. then spin on my heal and March out to Oppie "Oppie Winston ya 'ave my blessin ta be wit my daugh'er but if ya don't go put 'er in 'er place righ now I will 'ake it back" my accent thicker due to my anger I watch him jump up and head straight for her room as I follow I watch from the hall as he walks into her room seeing Jess immediately cover her ink with her hands. "What the fuck is that little bit?" dispite her nickname I can hear the anger in his voice thinking its Happy's mark wich is not what I had planned I get ready to intervene as I watch Happy slightly slide himself between the two intent on protecting the closest thing to a sister he has ever had."it's not anything about me if that's what youre thinking just somthing she wanted covered up". Oppie turns to Jess "let me see..." He yells out causeing Jax and Tig to enter the room in case they needed to help break up a fight. We watch her internal fight of what to do "or I'm going to asume it is Happy's name in wich case I'll kill him...i'll take Mr. Mayham". I watch the fear in her eyes mix with defeat "ok I'll show you but you can't get mad I was gonna have Hap cover it before anyone saw it" she uncovers her ink and I hear Oppie growl in his throat "it's not getting covered up...and unless you want to watch me devour my old lady get the fuck out!!!" We all head out the door except for Tig who I pulled out by his shirt walking down the hall to the bar Tig says "what he said unless we want to see him devour her...i like a show" we all laugh until i hear my daughter moan Opies name loud enough that we could hear it over the music I cringe at the sound and gag Tig pats my sholder "well maybe you will graduate soon from Daddy Chibs to Grandpa Chibs" I cringe again hearing her scram in pleasure "descusting...I gotta buy em a house" Tig snickers "come on Daddy lest get outta here away from them I'll buy you a drink...ha you can show me more of your "sick moves"" I roll my eyes and laugh walking out to my bike.

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