part 2 Chibs × Stacy

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Stacy: Hey Bobby I'm in town but i'm gonna stop to get a coffee and then get right to you.
Bobby: yeah I'll be here waiting sweetheart you may come across some of my brothers feel free to introduce myself they will bring you here to me. See you soon.

Bobby POV:

I sit on the picnic table waiting she should have been here by now she said she was in town. "You ok Bobby? Isn't Stacy on her way to you?" Gemma says walking up to me. "Yeah sent a text that she's in town and stopping for a coffee then on her way but that was a while ago starting to worry" "well maybe she met the guys and there bring her here they are coming from the same direction. Hey why did you make her come this way you usually go to her?" I look to her and sigh "She and the dead beat broke up I can't get her to admit it but he's been hitting her I'm hoping to convince her to stay for good maybe she'll pick a son to settle with so I know she's safe" Gemma looks at me for a moment then chuckles at me "please enlighten me on what part of that way funny" She smiles "well a son would be nice but would you feel the same with all of them...even if she decides on Tiggy" she ends laughing causing me to smile "nah Gem she ain't into old and crazy I bet she takes a liking to Opie he tends to keep his crazy hidden at first and from what I've seen things ain't Goin so good at home" just then I see Stacy pull into TM a bit to fast for her norm "What the hell" I mutter before i run up to her she looks like she had been crying and she gets out launching herself in my arms shaking "hey Stac what happened sweetie" I ask as I wrap her in a tight hug protectively as the boys pull in a few minutes after.

Chibs POV:

As we pull into TM I look over to Jax then out in the lot and see a familiar form hugging Bobby "well no shite tha's the Lass from the store" Jax laughed "looks like you'll get to spend some more time with the woman who gotcha tongue Chibby" we all get out of the car and head into the club house following Bobby and the mystery lass. "Hey fuckers meet my niece Stacy" Bobby shouts. Stacy her name is Stacy I think it's perfect for her. Throughout the night I watch her mingle with everyone she seems to take it all well pretty nutural except I notice Tig flirting with her made her unsettled but when things start getting a little graphic and croweaters start to get fucked in the open I see her start to become introverted hm I wonder what that's about I think to myself. I watch her head outside and I decide to go check on her from earlier I walk out side not seeing Gemma and Bobby sneak out behind me. I find her out by the boxing ring at the picknick table I take my leather jacket off and put it around her then sit next to her and bump her sholder with mine "how are ya lass ya need anythin?" She chuckles "no I think im good what are you doing out here don't you have a favorite whore to fuck" I can't help but laugh "wow di' no' expect such foul language from yer beu'ifull mouth" I notice she blushes and looks down and away from me. Hm strange I would've thought being Bobby's niece she would have more self confidence. We sit in comfortable silence for a while and an idea poped in my head "where ya stayin luv?" She looks around for somone apearently not seeing them she sighs "I'm not sure Uncle Bobby said he was sending me to stay with one of you guys for now but he never told me who so I'm not entirely sure" I smile and grab her hand pulling her closer to me and she leans into me she must feel just as comfortable with me as I am with her but she seems hesitant to allow herself to be "ah well you're welcome to come to my place there's only one bed but I feel like you feel just as comfortable with me as I am you and I feel she could sleep together we wont do anything other then sleep...tha' is unless ya wan ta" she seems to think about it a moment then she looks at me and nods her head "yeah that sounds good I'm strting to get tired anyway it's been a long trip. Just let me text Bobby first" I nod and lead her to my bike telling her we will come get her car in the morning I don't know how tired she is but I dont want her to get in an accident and in also wouldn't mind the extra benefit of her pressed up against me. "You ever rode before?" I ask as I hand her my helmet " um yeah this is the first time with out Bobby though" she blushes and I smirk "well let's got ya on you'll be safe wit me darlin'" I help her on and she wraps her arms around me tightly and I can't help the smile that is on my lips the whole ride home.

Bobby's POV:

"Well looks like she has her eye on a son she just might not know it yet... but it's not Opie." Gemma snickers beside me as we watch my niece ride off on the back of Chibs's bike smiling I look at her "I like her choice even better...but she's only taken a week off work wich means that's how long we have to hope for her to like him enough to stay." I say looking down hoping that this will end the way I hope. Then I see the look in Gemma's eyes and shake my head "no Gem let it happen on it's own she may not even kniw how she feels yet" "relax baby I'm just gonna give her a little push in the right direction."

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