||♥ 1 : Chief Guest ||

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Third person's P.O.V

" He said he'll come today Jennie.. ",
A blond haired, ethereal looking boy huffed as his pink plus lips formed a irresistible alluring pout.

" Awww Diminie... But you know he's a busy man and you also know he was in Australia till yesterday ....its almost a 23 hours flight to here...how will he be able to come... ",
Jennie said patting her best friend's back as they entered the hallway of their High school.

It was their Graduation day. Graduation day in the most expensive private High school of New York.

" He was in Australia yesterday!? ",
The said boy's eyes widened as he heard the news.

" Huhh? Yes! You don't know.. How? Wait.. You don't use social media right ahh. Grow up honey! At least turn on the news channel for few seconds .. He was their for some important deal on something as always. ...",
Jennie said shaking her head in disbelief . Cause her best friend practically lives like a prince with every little luxurious thing exist in the world, has a damn phone which was specifically designed for him but doesn't use social media. Again she knew how selfless and normal ,down to earth person her best friend is and how strict his guardian can be at times.

" Oh..... I didn't know... I should have understood Jennie... He's busy.. May be he forgot about my graduation day. It's okay...",
The boy said sadly but sincerely as he looked around the crowd of students and guardians again, hoping to see a certain person.

" Ohh Diminie please don't think like that... ",
Jennie tried to sooth.

" No no its okay.. I understand.. He just promised me that he'll come that's it.. And he never breaks his promise.. ",
The boy said the last words under her breath as he fixed his graduation hat again and gave a smile that didn't reach his eyes... Cause he was sad.

The graduation ceremony started. Jennie, her best friend along with few other friends sat down on their seats acting to hear the boring speech .

" Jiminah! You excited for the party!?" one of the friend named Yeonjun asked Jennie's best friend.

The boy who was none other than Park Jimin shook his head and gave a apologetic smile.

" I'm leaving this evening.. ",
Jimin said and Jennie sadly nodded.

" What? Why? ",
Their friends whisper yelled.

" Koo was supposed to come today but he's really a busy person that's why he couldn't come.. But I'm going back to Korea today. ",
Jimin said smiling genuinely as he really wanted to go back to  Korea after 5 years.

" Oh so your Koo isn't coming today? Ughh why just why! We never got to know who's this Koo guy ! I wanted to see him! And know who he exactly is to you! ",
Their friends said and Jimin smiled along with Jennie. She knew Jimin's Koo but the other friends never saw anyone related to Jimin.

Jimin was always a mystery to them. An extremely rich boy but very humble. The popular group of school were always envious to Jimin cause he always made normal friends... Never cared if they comes to school with the newest edition of sports cars like him or wearing expensive clothes like him.

" But Jimin you're coming back right? Don't tell me you ain't coming back here you mysterious  Asian Prince ! ",
Jackson said and they all laughed out.

" I don't know Jackie.. But all I want is to go back and live with him like old days... I miss everything there.. I miss him... ",
Jimin said with a delightful voice as the thought of going back to Korea made him instantly happy.

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