CHAPTER 13: Doubtful Anticipation

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CHAPTER 13: Doubtful Anticipation

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CHAPTER 13: Doubtful Anticipation


The day ebbed away lazier than a sloth that hadn't decided a direction, and it slowly but surely chipped away at Ella's patience. The classes felt longer, lessons seemed monotonous and languorous than ever. She glanced at her watch more times than she cared to admit.

"Do you have a heist planned or do you just hate this class?" Her bench partner asked as she leaned in closer to Ella and she looked at her with a perplexed gaze.

Zoey had been her bench partner since the beginning of the semester, and their interactions have always been quite minimal. She was friendly, but never overly so and Ella always noticed her, mostly because of her confident vibe. She had that I-can-make-friends-easily air around her, her smile was always genuine, her blue eyes bright and her shoulder-length dark hair had deep red highlights that looked classy on her.

Ella attempted a response, "Pardon?"

"I was just asking since your eyes seem to seek out your wristwatch way too many times to be natural and if it's a heist, I'd like to join you, my boredom knows no bounds..." Zoey explained.

"Nope. No heists or illegal activities planned." Ella elaborated, slightly amused at the direction of their conversation.

"That's a shame...I was hoping we'd be partners in crime, it's the most effective bonding activity out there." Zoey shrugged.

"I shudder to think you're speaking from experience..." Ella said as a smile tugged at her lips.

Zoey winked at her playful, "Keep me in your mind for future heists and you'll find out..."

"I'd rather not..." Ella frowned and confessed, "I like my peaceful non-heist-planning life a little too much."

"And here I was hoping we would become fast friends, guess we'll have to do it the old school way..." Zoey sighed as she spoke.

Ella was positively entertained, "Do you always force your friendship upon other people?"

Zoey, flashed her a toothy smile, before looking ahead "Of course, how else will I have any friends?"

Ella smiled and shook her head a tiny bit, forcing herself to pay attention in class.

When the last lecture ended at around 4:30 in the afternoon, she almost jumped from joy.

"There's something going on for sure and I'm intrigued." Zoey voiced her thoughts.

Ella pulled her bag strap higher on her shoulder as they began walking and replied vaguely, "Maybe, maybe not... let's just say- if I don't show up to our next class, I've been kidnapped."

"Duly noted." Zoey's eyebrows raised in surprise, "I'll see you later... hopefully" she gave her a playful two-fingered salute as she turned the corridor and left while Ella took the opposite turn.

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