CHAPTER 26: Be Prepared

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CHAPTER 26: Be Prepared

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CHAPTER 26: Be Prepared


Academics had been a lot more demanding over the last few days which meant Ella barely had time to spend with her friends at usual hangout spots. She felt quite content to sit in the cafeteria with Nora, Dan and Jay talking and complaining about mundane happenings like always.

The weather was bright because it had started to snow, when Ella opened her blinds that morning the world outside was dusted with snow, she was now sitting in the cafe that smelled like fruity beverages and coffee, an odd combination but it seemed to work somehow without clashing. It was Ella's refuge and she sat there immersed in humdrum noises of chatter from neighbouring tables, occasional glances from familiar faces of other students and baristas.

Bringing her attention closer she heard Dan bragging about breaking his own record in the butterfly stroke, his hair was wet from the shower and he still faintly smelled of chlorine, Nora was complaining about a surprise test she almost failed as she picked at her food which was now a sad-looking sandwich that she had managed to completely disintegrate as she listened to Dan and shared her own fussy details while Jay was sneakily stealing her nachos. She frowned at that discovery.

Ella was about to slap his hand away from her food when she caught Neo looking at her from across the room, he was sitting at another table with his group of friends and smiled at her when their gaze met, she returned the smile and that subtle interaction didn't go unnoticed by Jay.

"Who's that?" He asked as he ate, his eyes were curious yet wide.

"Oh, that.. he's Neo," Ella said with a remnant smile.

Jay raised his brow quizzically, "Neo as in your annoying assignment partner? You guys seem to get along..."

Ella laughed as she nodded, "That's just how it is I guess. He's not annoying- now that I know and understand him a little bit."

"That's great..." He broke a tortilla chip in half and then frowned as it crumbled, "It means you're not gonna rant to me how painfully frustrating your project partner is..."

Ella seemed defensive, "I never ranted..."

Jay rolled his eyes at her denial, "Let me refresh your memory- 'He thought my name was Ellen, can you believe that? How ignorant does one have to be to not remember when there are only twelve other people in the classroom and it's pretty much impossible for all of us to not interact with each other-"

Ella relented, she couldn't hear any more of his blabber, "Alright fine! So what if I ranted, what else are friends for? And I can't believe you remember all that, to be honest, I didn't think you were listening."

Jay angrily chewed on Ella's nachos before saying, "A simple thankyou would suffice Ell."

Ella smiled at his fake offended face, one that he didn't quite nail and only managed to look a little comical as he took a sip of his soda and added "And for the record, I always listen to everything you say." He sounded serious.

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