CHAPTER 20: Sharks And Homing Pigeons

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CHAPTER 20: Sharks And Homing Pigeons

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CHAPTER 20: Sharks And Homing Pigeons


Ella was quiet the next day, lost in thoughts....her mind exploring possibilities. In light of recent events, she couldn't help herself from considering every angle and perspective, and yet it was leading nowhere but confusion.

Ella knew she couldn't jump to conclusions, but the only way to confirm was to ask...and still, she was hesitant. The entire ordeal would lead to a dead-end if he refused to answer, she knew that, but...

Neo sat next to her in the book cafe working on their project, but he was less concentrated on his keyboard and more on the girl sitting next to him. He could tell she was distracted, not entirely focusing on the book she held in her hands.

He didn't call her out on it right away, needing a moment for himself, to compose and collect his thoughts.

"Ella." He called, snapping her out of her reverie, she turned to look at the boy who said her name, hardly believing he was speaking to her.

"Holding the book is not gonna do much, you actually have to read it." The moment he said it, he realised his words didn't sound like the joke he intended them to be, and Ella's defensive voice only confirmed it.

"I'm trying okay, It's just... " she sighed and closed the book. "Never mind." She mumbled and rose from the chair she was sitting in as she said. "I need a minute." And with that she walked away, while he stared at her with wide panicked eyes, hating how bad and awkward he was at conversing with others and picking up social clues.

He sighed, disappointed in himself. Looking at the laptop screen in front of him he decided to focus on something he was actually good at.

When Ella returned to their table a little later than one minute she found a cup of caramel latte on her side of the table with her name on the cup.

Ella looked at it curiously, "Did you order this?" She asked as she took a seat and looked at Neo.

He focused on his laptop screen harder, now staring at the blinking cursor, as he tried to type something meaningful but nothing came to mind. "Yeah, it's for you."

Ella looked surprised at the gesture, "Thank you, that's really sweet of you...but, you didn't have to..."

Neo suddenly felt like his face was warming up and he looked down at the notes he had taken, just to hide his face. "You're welcome."

Ella opened the book she was previously reading, as she took a sip of the hot drink, finding it exactly to her liking, "You knew how I take my coffee?" she asked, looking at him quizzically.

Neo almost dropped his pen at her question, he looked up at her and answered, "You once ordered that here while I was behind you in the line, I just remembered."

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