chapter eight

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After Namjoon accepted Seokjin and Jimin's offer to pay for his train ride home all the roommates said goodbye and hugged each other before boarding different methods of transportation.

Jimin lived closest to the school so he was the first one to arrive home. Upon opening the door he was greeted by his parents.

"Jimin, finally you're home what took you so long this time?" His father asked while giving him a side hug.

"I just had a few last minute things to do and I couldn't leave without giving Seokjin a proper goodbye." He informs them while hugging his mother.

"You two are still dating sweetheart?" Asked his mother. "Of course we are, why wouldn't we be?"

Jimin didn't get an answer before his father cut into their small conversation. "Jimin, we have a little surprise for you."

"Really? What is it?" Jimin's father was about to reply when a voice interrupted them.

"Nice to see you again little cousin." Jimin froze upon hearing the voice and turned around to be met with the person it belongs to.

"Gu Qingbei? What are you doing here, I thought you moved to China with your mother's relatives." His voice was cold and he was clearly not happy to see his cousin yet somehow his parents were oblivious to it.

Last time he saw his cousin was at the airport around five years ago when his uncle; his dad's only sibling, decided to move to China were his wife's family lived. Gu Qingbei and Jimin stopped liking each other at a young age and that was mainly his uncle's fault.

You see, Jimin had known from an early age that he was attracted to guys and even though his parents were supportive his uncle was disgusted by the idea and forbid Jimin and Gu Qingbei to get along. In fact he encouraged Gu Qingbei to bully his younger cousin for being gay, so that's what he did. But now Gu Qingbei was here and that could only mean trouble.

"Dad, what is Gu Qingbei doing here?"

"Well at first he was here to spend the holidays with us but your uncle told us that they have decided to let him stay. He's going to be transferring to your school. Isn't that great!" Of course Jimin's dad didn't know about the bullying and still thought the two boys got along.

Jimin looked over at Gu Qingbei and he could tell that he was just as unhappy as Jimin was for him to be there. There was something going on here and Jimin knew it but his cousin would never admit to it.

Jimin put on a fake smile as he looked at his dad. "That's great news father I'm delighted to have my cousin here."

"I'd knew you'd say that. It'll be just like old times. Gu Qingbei has taken the room next to yours for the meantime that way you can help him if he ever needs anything and we have already arranged and talked to the school to let your cousin share a dorm with you, those things are huge anyways."

Jimin dreaded the idea of having his cousin next to his room but he kept his fake smile agreeing with everything his father was saying. That was until he heard the last part, the color drained from his face and his thoughts started racing, his dorm? The dorm where his boyfriend lives, the dorm his little lives. That was their home and their safe space he couldn't let a homophobic jerk like his cousin ruin it for them, ruin it for their little when it took so long for him to feel comfortable.

This was going to be a horrible stay at home and the worst part, it was also going to drag along into a horrible new semester at school and if he couldn't figure out a way to kick his cousin out of his dorm it was also going to affect his loved ones and he wouldn't let that happen. He told himself he had the whole break to figure out what to do.

The next person to arrive home was Seokjin. As soon as he entered the house his younger siblings; a sister and brother that just so happened to be twins, came running up to him and hugged his legs. He smiled picking them both up making them squeal and giggle. He looked up not even being surprised when he was greeted by the nannies; the same two nannies that had raised him as a kid, instead of his parents.

"It's so great to see you again young sir." Said a sweet looking older woman making Seokjin chuckle. "It's great to see you too nana Ae-Chan and who could forget you nana Eun-ae." Even though those two older women weren't related to him by blood they were his family, they were the ones that helped him with homework, stayed up with him when he was sick, and kissed his wounds better.

"Are my parents coming home?" Asked Seokjin, although he already knew the answer was always the same there was still hope in him every year. "No young sir, your parents are still in a convention overseas and will not make it this year." The nanny named Eun-ae said with a hint of sadness in her voice, it always hurt to see the disappointed look in the kids faces. "However they have left presents for you." Chimed in nanny Ae-Chan. At that the twins cheered and escaped the older brother's hold, running over to the kitchen where the gifts were always placed but Seokjin was now old enough to know his parents didn't actually get them the gifts they just gave the nannies the money to get them things as their parents are truly never around to even know their interests.

Seokjin's parents were both cardiologists, they met at school and instantly fell in love. They had never really planned to be parents but when Miss Kim fell pregnant after 2 years of marriage they decided to keep the baby for it to carry on their legacy and gain their wealth which is how Seokjin came to be. Although Seokjin wasn't interested in cardiology he did opt to study some kind of medical field, neurosurgeon. When he was 10 his mother fell pregnant again and thus the twins came to be.

It always saddened him that his parents were oblivious to his life however he couldn't really complain, he had great nannies that took care of him like if he was their own, he had his younger siblings that always made him laugh, he had Jimin that loved him and lastly he had Namjoon as Joonie and he wouldn't give up until he could have Namjoon's love as well.

(Next chapter, Namjoon getting home)

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