chapter one

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It was a cold September morning and all the college students were moving into their new dorms for the school year. The school was on the richer side of town so all the dorms were more like apartments allowing up to four students to live in one dorm, although every room usually only had two students.

Only the richest kids and a few selected brilliant minded scholarship students were submitted into that school. But yet even the richest schools have problems.

"Ma'am I am positively sure I registered for a dorm are you sure there's nothing? Can you check again?" Asked a tall caramel skinned male.

"I'm sorry no dorm number pops up under the name Kim Namjoon." Replied an older lady as she looked at the computer in front of her. "There are some apartments three blocks from the school maybe you can get a room there."

"No ma'am I'm a scholarship student, I can't afford those apartments that's why I need a dorm here." His voice making it clear that he was stressing out.

"Excuse me Miss. Choi, is there a problem?" Asked a male voice from behind.

"Hello Seokjin it's nice to have you back. Yes there's a small problem but unfortunately sweetheart you can't help with this one." Replied Miss. Choi looking passed Namjoon to the other male.

"Well if I knew the problem maybe I could help.  I have great problem-solving skills as you know." He smiled at Miss. Choi causing her to slightly blush.

"The problem is that I registered for a dorm and apparently I wasn't assigned to one." Namjoon blurted out in frustration before turning his attention back to the older woman now known as Miss. Choi. "Please ma'am can you check again there must be a mistake I know I registered on time."

"See I can help with this problem." Called out Seokjin's voice. "If a dorm is what you need then you can just come with me. I'd be happy to share." He smiled.

"But Seokjin it says here that you have a roommate already." Miss. Choi interrupted.

"Yes Miss I am well aware but you know the dorms are capable of holding up to four people. I am sure my boyfriend wouldn't mind if we shared a room so our new student here can have somewhere to sleep."

For some reason the word "boyfriend" caught Namjoon's attention. The boy in front of him was really attractive it would be no surprise that someone has already taken him. Yet he couldn't help but admire his beauty before making himself snap out of it.

"No that is fine I wouldn't want to be a bother to you or your boyfriend"

"Nonsense we would be glad to have you. Miss. Choi please put down in his transcription that he'll be staying at dorm B13. " He picked up Namjoon's suitcase as if it was nothing and started walking off before Namjoon could protest. All Namjoon could do was run after him to not get lost.

"I really don't want to kick you or your boyfriend out of your guy's room. I can just wait for an opening or something." Namjoon said as they made their way to the dorm B13.

"Its fine, me and my boyfriend would probably sleep in the same room every night with or without you, might as well give the room to someone in need like you."

"Someone in need like me? What is that supposed to mean?" He asked clearly offended.

Seokjin didn't notice the defensiveness in Namjoon voice and continued. "Well for one you need a room. And I heard you say you were a scholarship student. And your clothes, they certainly aren't from stores around here." He opened the door to the dorm and went inside.

Namjoon was outraged by Seokjin's comment. Yes his clothes are cheap and old but it's all he and his mom could afford. However he kept his mouth shut because even though that comment was a jerk move Seokjin was being nice enough to let Namjoon stay at his dorm.

He was lead into one of the two rooms and Seokjin placed the suitcase on the bed. "This will be your room. The only rule in the dorms is that you can't make huge holes on the walls or color the walls otherwise you can do whatever you want. You can unpack and go get to know the school a little I will start dinner at 6." Seokjin left the room closing the door behind him.

Namjoon looked around the room letting out a soft sigh as he starts to unpack his things. Once he had finished unpacking the few clothes he brought he took out the last item in his suitcase which was a light blue box.

He slowly opened the box revealing two baby blue pacifiers, a green bottle, and a teddy bear wrapped around a blanket alongside a children's coloring book and a pack of glittery crayons. He smiled instantly feeling small but pushed those feelings back when he heard someone open and close the front door.

He quickly closed the box and hid it under his bed before exiting his room and entering the living room. In the living room stood Seokjin with his arms wrapped around the waist of a shorter guy who's back was facing Namjoon.

He cleared his throat letting his presence be known as both males turn to look at him with the shorter male having a slightly confused look on his face.

"Ah Namjoon great I'd like to introduce you to Jimin, my boyfriend. Jimin this is Namjoon he's our new roommate." Seokjin said looking between the two.

"I thought it was just going to be the two of us." Said Jimin looking up at his boyfriend.

"It was but Namjoon here didn't have a dorm and I told Miss. Choi he could stay with us. You don't mind right, love?" 

"Not at all." Jimin smiled and extended his hand towards Namjoon. "I'm Park Jimin."

Namjoon shakes Jimin's hand. "I'm Kim Namjoon. Nice to meet you."

"Have you finished unpacking?" Asked Seokjin.

"Yes I have."

"Great why don't you go look around and get familiar with the school so you don't get lost tomorrow. Maybe Jimin can give you a small tour if you'd like." Jimin nodded in agreement at what his boyfriend had said.

"Its fine I don't want to cause any troubles."

"Its no trouble at all. Come on I can just show you where your classes are if you don't want the whole tour." Namjoon hesitantly nodded before being dragged out by his arm with Jimin.

"We'll be back before dinner my love." He called out to his boyfriend before closing the door and leading Namjoon to the main building.

"Let me see your schedule." He extended his hand. Namjoon took his schedule out of his back pocket and handed it to Jimin for him to take a look.

"Ohh you have music first period, my friend Hoseok is in that class. I'm sure you two will get along great!" Jimin said as he walked him to the music production classroom. 

"I'm not here to make friends. I'm here to get my diploma to be able to provide for my mother and I." 

"Making friends never hurt anyone. Besides shouldn't your father be the one providing." Namjoon stayed silent for a few minutes before replying. "My father left when I was 3."

"I'm so sorry I shouldn't have asked." You could tell that he was embarrassed by his tone of voice.

"Don't be, it was his choice it's not your fault." The rest of the tour was mostly silent with only a few questions and comments here and there about Namjoon's schedule.

It wasn't the best start of the school year for Namjoon. And considering that today wasn't even the actual first day of classes worried him. He just hoped that it wouldn't get any worse.

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