chapter six

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"Namjoon! Get back here!" Shouted Jimin chasing a giggling butt naked Namjoon around the dorm. It was the day after the outing with their group of friends and the night before little Namjoon was so tired from the fair that he fell asleep right away.

His daddies decided that they would just let him sleep and give him a bath when he woke up in the morning if he woke up little. Lucky for them he had woken up little. Unlucky for Jimin, Seokjin had left early in the morning to get breakfast since he was feeling lazy to cook. So it was just Jimin who was in charge of giving the little a bath.

The bath itself went by smoothly with Jimin only getting splashed a few times. When it was time to get out Joonie did whine but obeyed his daddy. But the obedience didn't last long because on their way to the bedroom Namjoon dropped his towel and ran off.

So that's how it ended up being Jimin and a towel against the fully rested, energetic, butt naked Namjoon. And to no one's surprise Joonie was much faster than Jimin.

"Joonie come here at least let me put you in your undies."

"Nu-uh! Gotta catch Joonie first." Joonie replied as he ran to the kitchen.

"You're being a bad boy! I'm putting you in time out if you don't listen and come here this instant young man." His voice was firm but the little was too energetic to listen.

"I'm going to count to three Namjoon and when I get to three you better be on the bed and ready to get dressed." Jimin warned him pointing towards the little's bedroom.



"I said two Namjoon." The little ignored him.

"Three." Jimin went up to Joonie and grabbed him before he could run off.

"Daddy no 'em me go!" The little tried to get out of Jimin's hold but his little mindset made him weaker.

"My lovelies I'm hom- why is Namjoon naked?" Asked Seokjin seeing Jimin dragging the butt naked Namjoon to the bedroom.

"Seokjin great! A little bit of help please Joonie is being a bad boy." Namjoon almost escaped but Jimin grabbed him.

"Nu-uh I good boy I wan be fwee- ahh!" Joonie was scooped up from the floor by Seokjin.

"Namjoonie you need to get dressed or you'll get sick." Seokjin turn towards Jimin mounting a 'I got this' before carrying the little to his room. After Jin got the little all dressed Jimin came in still having a stern look.

"Joonie." Jimin called out only to have the little hide his face on Seokjin's shoulder.

"Namjoonie I know you can hear me. And I also know you heard me count down to three. You know the rules so go sit in the corner you have 15 minutes in time out."

Joonie whines and mumbles out in a sad tone. "B-But rwules say ten."

"I know but you didn't obey the first time and I had to count down. I'm being nice I'm not giving you 20 so go sit in the corner." Jimin commanded pointing at a far corner of the room.

"Scuew you!" The little yelled out shocking both of his daddies. Even though Joonie had mispronounce the word his daddies understood what he was trying to say.

"Joonie! That is not nice go sit in the corner your getting 25 minutes. Think about what you did and apologize to your daddy." Jin said getting the little off his lap.

Joonie huffed stomping off to the corner and sitting down. He soon after starting softly crying from being in time out.

Even though Jimin was hurt by the little's words hearing him cry hurt him more so he left the room. Seokjin felt bad for the little but what the little did was wrong and he needed to learn from his mistakes. When Seokjin sees his boyfriend leave the room it concerned him.

"Joonie we'll be in the living room don't move I'll come get you when your time is up." The little nodded not even looking at his dada.

Seokjin left the room and spotted Jimin in the kitchen. He walked over to him and back hugging him. "Love, are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I was just shocked, he's always an angle and he was good this morning I don't know what happened."

"Is that why you left the room?" Seokjin asked turning Jimin around to face him.

"No it's not. I left because I don't like seeing him cry."

Seokjin sighed. "I know I don't like it either but he knows the rules."

Jimin looks at the time seeing it's only been 8 minutes. "We shouldn't be too hard on him it's his first time getting in trouble. We should let him explain and apologize."

"But love if we-" Jimin cuts him off. "Besides his food will be cold by the time his time out is complete we can't give our baby yucky heated up food."

Seokjin gave in to his boyfriend's wishes and took the little out of time out.

"Now Joonie we're letting you off the hook this time because you're always a good boy, but you still need to apologize to your daddy and tell us why you said that." Seokjin told Joonie as Jimin set the plates of food out on the table.

Joonie looked down still crying and sniffling a little. "I-I sowwy daddy. Joonie was scawed dat daddy no longer wuv Joonie cuz Joonie is bad boy and dat why I said scruew you." Joonie started crying again wanting his daddy but scared that Jimin would deny holding him.

"Joonie, baby listen to me. No matter what I will always love you. You're my little boy and it doesn't matter how bad you are, at the end of the day I'm still your daddy. Daddy loves you ok." The little nodded muttering out a barely audible 'otay' before jumping into his daddy's arms.

Jimin happily held him giving the little small kisses on the head and drying off his tears. "Now eat before your food gets too cold."

Joonie obeyed his daddy this time and started eating trying not to make a mess. Both his daddies look at him happily knowing that even though he was a little disobedient this morning he was still their little angel.

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