The aftermath

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A/N- Any talking in bold is either Kenma or someone else. Don't worry you will know if its Kenma or someone else talking cause Kenma doesn't talk the same time someone else is talking if that makes sense. Also Merry Christmas I know I am very late!!


As Kenma and I were cuddling he says that he's sorry for leaving me alone. I kept telling him that its in and al that matters is that he helped you out. We spent the night cuddling and watching movies.

3rd Person POV

You started to drift off to sleep feeling safe in Kenmas arms. He looked over at you and kissed you on the forehead and said goodnight. You both felt warm in eachothers arms. When you woke up you noticed that instead of kenma next to you there was a pillow. You got up and changed. As you walked to the kitchen you smelled your favorite food. You went up to Kenma and hugged him. He turned around and hugged you back.

"Oh why good morning kitten how did you sleep"

"Great! Amazing! Perfect! All because I sleep with my Mr.Pudding head next to me"

"That's great kitten go sit down so I can give you your f/f"


As you went to sit down kenma served you your f/f then sat next to you. You both ate and chatted about some plans that you were making. You couldn't help but admire your bf and just think to yourself "How did I get so lucky" After dozing off you cleaned your plate and went to the living room. Just as you sat down Kenma went to open the window blinds. You were living in a 2 story house. On the first floor it had the living room, the dining room/kitchen, a bathroom and yours and Kenmas gaming room. Then on the 2nd floor there it yours and Kenmas bedroom and two other guest rooms as well as a bathroom. In the living room the windows face your street rode. As Kenma opened the blinds you both heard cameras, news people and fans. Kenma closed the binds right away. You both wondered how 1. people found out where you lived and 2.Why new people where there. You both decide to go outside to see why they were here. As you walked out the door you held onto Kenmas hand tightly. Then everyone started to bombard you with questions.

"What happened last night at the story"

"Are you ok"

 "I heard that Kenma was flirting with a fan while you were having a panic attack is that true"

"What happened to you"

"Why was Kenma not with you when you started to panic" 

There were so many questions being asked and they all waited for you and Kenma to answer them. You looked at Kenma and then began to explain everything that happened. As you finished telling them what happened Kenma said "Please do not assume that I was flirting with a fan while my gf was having a panic attack because it is false information and anyone who says opposite is completely wrong" You could tell that he was angry about that question. Soon after talking for awhile you and Kenma headed back into your house. 

"Baby I think that we might have to move soon"

"Yea kitten your right now everyone knows where we live"

You both sat down looking for houses in places where not lots of people were. You also choose that it was best if you have a police officer stay by the place incase a crazy fan or someone tried to break into the house. After sometime you found a place it wasn't too big and wasn't too small, it also had a fence around it. You were sad to leave the house you have been living in but it was a better choice then staying and having fans show up 24/7. You were packing your stuff as you found old photos of you in high school. As you were flipping threw them you saw that there was always the same kid in the background getting dragged somewhere by someone who seems to be their friend. You took a closer look to see that it was Kenma.You showed him them and  at first he didn't believe that was you in the photo but he brushed it off and laughed. Then you found photos of you in elementary and middle school. They were all just class photos. To this you found all of your elementary and middle school yearbooks. You flipped through each one to your class. You looked at all the kid in your class and to your surprise in everyone Kenma was there. You and him were always in the same class/homeroom. You then got your high school yearbooks to see if he was in there as well. You only saw him in your homeroom during the 1st year but not 2nd or 3rd. You were amazed at how you and him didn't become friends after all those years. In highschool you would wear a wig and would go by a different name so people wouldn't know who you are. The only reason you were in his homeroom 1st year and not 2nd or 3rd was because you just barely made it into his homeroom the 1st year. If there was one more kid then you would have been in a different room. Then during 2nd year a new kid came and then you switched rooms. After a long time off packing you were finally ready to move. You looked outside to make sure no one was there. Once you confirmed that you started to load the boxes into the moving truck. None of your fans knew that you were selling your house because you did it in private and did not announce it. You and Kenma finished putting the boxes away in the truck. Kenma went to drive in the truck while you would follow in the car. It took awhile to get to the new house but you got there.

A/N- Just saying if your confused on the elementary and middle school its going how it is where I live so basically in elementary you would stay in one class all day {besides lunch, recess, specials and extra help} And then in middle school in the story you'll only have Homeroom with him which is just basically a place where you can do work or just hang out for a while. In highschool its going by 1st, 2nd and 3rd that not how it goes for me though. Also Ik you can get movers but in the story you rented a moving truck and drove it yourself {Idk if you can do that in all places} If you are confused by anything don't be scared to ask in the comments!!!!

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