The End

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It took you awhile to reach your new house but you made it. Your new house was slightly bigger than your last house because you and Kenma wanted to start a family one day. Since it was getting late at night you and Kenma choose to stay over at his friends house who lived close by. Kuroo and Kenma had been best friends ever since high school. After staying the night at Kuroos you went back to your house and started to unpacking. You and Kenma listened to music and jammed out while putting things away. It took you both a couple of days to finish but you managed. You and Kenma were laying in bed cuddling. You hold him close as he kisses your head."I love you kitten" he said "I love you too" You said as you drifted off to sleep.  

~Time skip~

It has been 12 years since Kenma and you have been together. You were married and had 1 child. You were having the best life ever and were so happy. You had a family channel and your child had their own gaming channel. You all were one big happy family. Kuroo would come over with his child since they were the same age. You would talk to his wife while Kenma would talk with Kuroo. You could have never ask for a better life. Your life was complete you had all the things you loved by your side. Kenma and you lived happily ever after and nothing could ever take that away from you.   

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