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A/N~ In the text messages kenma will always be the bolded one!


Kenma and I have been hanging out for months and got really close to each other and we would start to do more and more collabs. I was getting ready to meet up with Kenma. I got dressed up nicely or at least better than I usually would. I decided that I was going to tell him how I feel. "Kenma please don't reject me" you thought while finishing getting ready. I feed the cat before leaving and getting into my car. I drove to where I decided to meet Kenma. My bestie r/n told me about this place before but I never went. When I got there I pulled out my phone and texted Kenma if he was there yet or not. 

Hey you here at the cafe yet?

Yea! I am waiting inside for you,                                                                          but if you want I could got outside? 

No it's fine you don't have to Ill go in now see ya:D

I get out of my car and walk inside and there I see kenma. I felt my cheeks heat up and I could tell that I was visibly blushing. I looked down at the floor to recollect myself and then went to the table to sit with kenma. Inside there were tables where you could sit, eat and chill and then cubicles where you would play games. After sometime of chatting and eating we went to play some games. In every game lefty and right he would beat me. It was so embarrassing and I quoted as a joke. After an hour or 2 of games we went to chill and cool down for a little so we wouldn't be too tired for the amusement park. I choose that this was the perfect time to tell Kenma how I felt about him.

Kenmas Bold~ Y/N is regular

"Hey uh can I tell you something?" 

"Yea anything whats up"

"Well I just wanted to tell you that I li-"



"Yea sure why not"


"No no its fine we were just hanging out u-uhh planning on our next collab"

"Y-Yea that's right"

(You both hopped they bought that so no rumors would start to spread around out you both)

after taking photos he forgot about what you were talking about so you went to the amusement park and you let kenma drive your car because kuroo drove him to the cafe. 

Kenmas POV

As I was driving us to the amusement park Y/N turned on the radio and we jammed out. After some songs we arrived at the amusement park but before we got out I told Y/N that I liked her.

"U-Uh hey Y/n can I tell you something" 

"Yea! Sure hit me"

"Well I just wanted to say that I really lik-like you"

"O-oh you do?"

"yes so-sorry if I made things weird"

"No no silly it's fine I like you too"

"Do you wanna be my Gf then"

"Yes! I would love too"

"Ok perfect from now on your my gf and because you are this can be our first date"

"Ok Mr.pudding hehe thats what imma call you now"

"Hmm I like that haha Ill call you kitten"

I did it yess she my gf. I wanted to kiss her right then and there but I calmed down and didn't do it. The whole time we played game and went on rides. It was the perfect first date and I want  one million more like that with y/n and y/n only. She was the one for me and now I finally have her. And I wont lie but Kuroo also helped me out. I wouldn't be able to do it without him. After we had fun at the amusement park we went to her house because she wanted to stay with her cat. We watched movies and chilled out. I had and idea to tell the stream that we were dating but I wanted to wait a little after we dated for awhile.  We cuddled up after the movie and had the most fun day ever. 

Y/N's Pov

Kenma and I have been dating for about a year and he now lives with me. Surprisingly none of the fans thought it was weird that we were almost doing collabs every day or that we had such similar backgrounds.We talked about telling the fans and today was the day.But little did the fans know was that they were going to get pranked. We choose to dress me up differently and pit a wig on me so that no one knew that it was me.    

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