The problem

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A/N~ Y/N has worse social anxiety then Kenma does in this story and it usually gets really bad when Y/N isn't with the person she feels safe with/ who helps her calm down. Also this chapter is going to be short. Lastly should I continue this or end it here? I don't really know


The worst thing that could ever happen happened. I was holding Kenmas hand so I both could stay calm. But since there was more and more people we both get seperated. At first I didn't realize because I was talking to fans. As soon as I noticed that he wasn't by my side I looked around. I didn't see him anywhere. I felt my whole body heat up and shaking. It was getting harder to breath every second. I felt like I was gonna pass out. I started to cry trying to call out for Kenma. I fell to the ground hugging my knees while people were freaking out and wondering what was happening. 

Kenma's POV

I was trying to look for y/n because we got seperated. There was lots of commotion going on so I went towards it hoping it was Y/N. As I got there I was her curled on the floor crying calling for me.  I pushed through the people trying to reach y/n. I held her in my arms whispering to her that she was ok now. 

"Hey uh guys could you backup a little we both have social anxiety but y/n's gets really really bad panic attacks"

As people backed up I helped y/n up. I felt bad for her but I had to help her get to the car to calm down. I didn't mean to leave her I guess we are gonna have to postpone making a cake.  As I go her in the car I held her hand and told her that she was going to be fine. As she calmed down I gave her a hug and kissed her. I drove home and we just layed in bed cuddling watching funny movies. 

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