-Collab pt. 3-

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I can feel my cheeks starting to heat up due to hearing his adorable laugh and seeing him smile. It also seemed that the chat has noticed and went crazy.                                                                                                                   --------------------------------------------------------------------------


It seems that the chat has forgotten all about what you were going to say and has put their focus back on you and kenma playing games. You and him played some more games for about another hour or so but played as teammates and you won every game that you played with him.  After that you ended the stream and hangout with Kenma for a little longer. You liked spending time with him and hoped that he did too. 


Kenma's POV

As I walk over to Kuroo I can hear Y/N talking to the chat. Kuroo was being annoying as always .

(Kuroo is bold and Kenma is regular)

Where were you man I was waiting at your house last night cuz I wanted to hear about your little date

It wasn't a date 

Whatever what happened tell me everything

Well we just hang out talked and then went to her house because it was getting late and her house was closer than mine


Yea but nothing happened but can you like go because we are doing a live stream right now...

Ok fine but you have to tell me everything that happened later

*in kenmas head* 

I don't want to tell him what happened because I know he will take it the wrong way but I should go back to Y/N and finish the collab. As I walk back to the room I can hear he about to say her celeb crush I wanted to know who it was but at the same time I didn't. Without thinking I open the door and go back playing games with her. The chat was kinda mad at first when I didn't give y/n the chance to answer the question. It was funny how that chat was freaking out at me so I just giggled it off.

-----Back to regular time-----


The live stream was over, Kenma and I were talking and eating then I went home. I didn't want to leave but I had to. As I was walking home I couldn't stop thinking about him and how cute he was. I got home and looked at my phone I got a text from Kenma.


Hey y/n I had such a fun time with you:) Maybe we could hangout again soon?

Yea! I had lots of fun with you too and I would love to hangout soon again:))

Great! Talk to you later 


I loved Kenma so much yes that sound weird but I do. I really enjoy his company and he makes me feel loved and safe. I wanted to tell him but it would be weird since we just started to hangout and everything. Soon I would have to get the courage to tell him how I feel before anyone else does. I loved him for sure.  

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