-Collab pt. 1-

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Ofc when falling asleep you dream of Applepi again but this time he was saying that he loved you. In your dream you and Applepi went on a gaming date and when you were about to kiss...


Your alarm went off. You were mad because it was getting to the best part. You got up fed your cat and then took a shower. After your shower you dried your hair and threw on your favorite new pjs different from the ones you had on for sleeping. You fired up your pc and started to edit the video. It took almost 2 hours to edit your video but usually it would take longer. After you finished editing it you posted it and played your favorite game. After a couple of rounds gaming you went to get some food but then realized that you had no food. you changed into some comfortable clothes and put on a mask and glasses so that nobody would recognize you. You didn't want people to come and ask for pictures and autographs because you were a little to scared of big crowds of people around you. Yes being a big popular youtuber meant that there would people who surround you but you were only fine with it as long as you had someone who you \trusted with you. You went to a market got some food and headed home. You were looking at the comments of your Q&A video and the comments were shipping you and Applepi or asking if you could collab. Even on instagram there was already edits of you and him. On instagram you get a message and its from Applepi. 

"Hello Y/n I saw your Q&A video saying that you would like to collab with me, and I wanted to ask myself if you would like to collab?"

"Yes! I would love to collab with you Applepi!"

"Great:) also call me Kenma from now on." 

"Ok when and where would you like to collab kenma:)"

"*sends address* At 6pm on saturday is that ok with you?"

"Yep! I actually live 5 mins away from there so it would be fine"

"Ok perfect see you then"

You freaked out running to your house with the stuff you bought from the market. With excitement you danced with joy in your house. After a couple of minutes of celebrating you got your food and ate it. You thought to yourself if you should ask to hangout with him today (friday) to get to know him so you send him a dm saying "If you are free at 8pm do you wanna go to the park and hangout to get to know eachother better?" 

"Yea sure why not see you at 8:)"

"yay ok see you then:))"

You looked at the time and saw that it was already 7 so you rushed and got ready to meet with him.

Kenmas POV 

"yay ok see you then" My heart fluttered as I read her response. I have watched her ever since I was in high school when she first started. She is the main reason why I started my own gamming channel after high school. I looked at the time and saw that it was now 7:25 so i got in the shower and got ready asking Kuroo to drive me there. 

"Oi isnt she like your crush or something?!?!"

W-What n-no I wouldn't say crush I mean I don't even know her"

"But you watched her ever since high school bro"

"Yea yea whatever we are here so bye"

"BYEE GO GET YOUR GIRL KENMA" Kuroo said with a smirk on his face.

I walked looking for her. As I was walking to the swings I saw a girl there with a mask and hat on I didn't know if that was y/n and I was to scared to see if it was so I just looked at the ground and walked to the swing set.


I see some walk to the swing by me and realize that it is Applepi or should I say kenma. My face started to heat up as I walked to him. As I was about to say hi to him I trip and fall right in front of him.  At that point I just wanted to run away full of embarrassment and die.I stayed there frozen not able to move or say anything as I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"Are y-you ok? That looked like it hurt"

"uh uh y-yea im f-fine I am j-just really cl-clumsy"

Kenma helps me up and I look at his face. He is blushing WHY IS HE BLUSHING?!?!?! you think to yourself. I look away as fast as I can so he doesn't notice that I was staring. We start to walk and talk about our self getting to know each other and making some jokes here and there. I start to blush as I listen to his cute giggles. You forget that you took off your mask off so he could hear you better and to the thought you blushed even more. 

"Are you ok your cheeks are turning read" 

"I um yea I am fine" *smiles and looks away*

We just went on talking about stuff like games cats and other random things. I look at my phone to see that it is already 8:50 almost 9. It was getting dark out so you both decide to walk to your house since it was the closest to the park. You let him stay over in your guest bedroom that you had because it was getting dark out. You and him watch some movies as he also pets your cat. You both end up sleeping on the couch and sharing a blanket. 

I Won! (kenmaxreader)Where stories live. Discover now