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Jia's POV.

after minutes of him cooking, and me watching every move he make. he finally finished. He's a good cook, I don't know how to cook but I can tell, just by watching him. He's very neat, something I never expect from a man.

He put the bowl of fried rice and omelette in front of me. "here" he said as he hand me the spoon.
I smiled as I receive it. He sat across me and leaned on his seat. Is he going to watch me? ah molla. I took a spoonful and shove it straight to my mouth.

"woah! it's delicious!" I exclaimed. He let out a boastful grin.

"I know" he mumbled. I continued eating, not minding his gaze that was fixed on me. I'm amazed, really... this is one of the most delicious food I've ever tasted. What did he put in here?

"can't you eat like a lady?" I glared at him.

"nope. Wae? wae? am I disgusting?"
I said, with my mouth full. I even point his face using the spoon. He shook his head. He stretched his arm and reached out for my face. My heart started beating like crazy as I feel his hand on my lips. I gulped. Oh my gosh. w-what is he doing again.

"go slow on the food. I don't know how to save someone from choking"
he said as he flick something-- probably a rice--- that he got from the corner of my mouth. Damn, that's so unlady like of me.

I avoided his gaze since my heart is thumping like hell already.
I continued eating, but made it slower-- but fast enough so that I could leave already. I'm scared, I feel like he's already hearing my heartbeat.

I heard footsteps from behind me. Taeyong's gaze also passed by me.
I glanced over my shoulder to see who it is, and I regret what I did.
It's Jaehyun, only wearing a boxer.

"oh my gosh---" I started coughing as Taeyong immediately hand me a glass of water.

"you bastard!---" he shouted at Jaehyun, throwing the first thing he touched to him... a fork. wth.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry! I forgot!"
I heard Jaehyun's heavy footsteps running back upstairs. I fan myself as my cheeks started burning. that was a sight. After a few seconds he came back again. Wearing a shirt already. He advances towards the refrigerator and took a bottled water. He leaned on the ref and looked at me.

He doesn't seem pleased to see me here. "oh right, I'm sorry for hitting you last time" he apologized.

"hmm?" I asked...but things immediately sink in on my mind.
"ah that. Yeah it hurts a bit, but I'm okay now" I touched my nape, and it's indeed okay now.

"you were strong, I had to do it" he shrugged. "How long will you stay here anyway?" he asked. I don't know why but I glanced at Taeyong as soon as I heard it. He glared at Jaehyun.

"Jung Jae---"

"I was just asking her. okay? I know you know that keeping you here will cause danger to us. You know that better than anyone" he said in a calm voice, but I feel so attacked.
A-am I being selfish? I don't want to harm them, but I don't want to leave here either.

"I kno---"

"Jaehyun leave us" Taeyong commanded. Jaehyun shook his head as he left the kitchen. I put down my spoon. I suddenly lost my appetite.

"Don't mind him---"

"Taeyong do you trust me?" I asked, cutting off his statement. I couldn't blame Jaehyun for thinking that way. I lied in front of their faces once, I managed to fool them already. I understand him still being suspicious of me. But... I am not lying now. How will I make them believe me this time?

"why? are you pulling an act again right now?"

"what if I do?" I asked.

"I doubt that" he firmly said. Putting his arms across his chest. does that mean he trust me?

"I understand everyone's suspicion about me. I-I can just leave, for everyone's safety" He brushed his hands on his hair. Looking so done on me.

"how will I protect you if you leave?" he asked in frustration. Causing butterflies to get wild in my stomach... no, this are not butterflies anymore. What's inside me are dinosaurs already. Damn, Taeyong. watch your words.

"T-Then let me work for you"


Taeyong's POV.

work for me? this woman must be out of her mind. I immediately shook my head in disapproval. "No"

"wait. listen to me first Taeyong" she said, looking all determined of what she's proposing. "let me prove myself to them. I am telling the truth right now. I-I'm not under that corporation anymore--"

"but still. I won't include you in our plans" I cut her off.

"okay. I understand" she nodded.
"but please atleast allow me to help you out? I can do things you know? I can be a great help"

"I thought you want a normal life?"
women are sure hard to understand just like what Jaehyun said before.

"yes. I said that. But I won't possibly get a normal life while I'm on a run. My life is on the line as you can see. And I don't want to just hide here under your roof like a complete coward"

"you're just basically offering your service to me like what you did to TRC back then. You're repeating the same mistake Park Jang Mi"

"b-but I want the boys to trust me now." she mumbled softly, looking down on her hands. I sighed. "please Taeyong?" her eyes are pleading me.

why can't I say no?

"I promise. I will be a great help. Trust me eo? I'll follow all your commands. Uh, you can treat me as your newly hired agent, ne. That would be great. Consider me as one of your people" she nodded, like she's already seeing the vision.
I shook my head in defeat.
"Taeyong" she called out,her voice sounding sweeter than the usual.

"I want to help you. They include you in my supposedly last mission. They ordered me to kill you, they basically want your gang out of their way. And that won't end there. I'm sure they'll still try to go after you, we have to move faster than them" I remained silent. Staring at her lovely face looking all serious in front of me. "Your plan is just identical as what they have. Ah, I heard you guys before. I know everything about TRC's move and tactics. I'll tell everything to you"

Indeed. Having her here as our ally will be a great help. But I'm still hesitant. Not that I don't trust her, but... I don't want her in danger.
I don't know how will I do that if she kept on asking for it herself.


꧁ 𝖌𝖚𝖓𝖘 // 𝖗𝖔𝖘𝖊𝖘 ꧂

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