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Taeyong's POV.

I glared at Taeil when he suddenly barge on my office door, pushing the door way too hard, creating a loud bang on the wall. "what the fv---"

"Song Min Ho is dead!" he announced cutting off my statement.
I narrowed my eyes at him.

"what!?!?" I reacted, unconsciously standing in surprise.

"He was found dead on his office by his employees this morning. He was killed by a freaking knife" what the hell.

"I didn't order you to kill him!" I shouted angrily. My damn plan is being ruined!!! Bullshit!

"We didn't do anything Taeyong. We just received the news---"

"call everyone!!!" I shouted in rage.

I kicked my swivel in frustration as I face the glass window, trying so hard to calm myself. After a couple of minutes, my members entered one by one.

"we didn't kill him okay? We never do things without your command" Jaehyun started. I turned and face all 8 of them.

"then who killed that bastard!?!!"
no one answered. I brushed my hair up in vexation. "I said fvcking watch him!! what's so hard there!? He got killed right before your eyes!!"
everyone remained silent. I glared at Doyoung who's in charge of the company but got tricked by the killer.
He avoided my gaze.

I pulled my swivel chair and sat back, still trying so hard to suppress my overflowing anger. I don't want to burst out here in front of them. "find out who killed him, then kill whoever it is" I said. Putting an end to the conversation. They left one by one without a word.

They know me so well. My anger will not subside that easily. I don't want to point my gun at them when my anger reach its peak. It's better to distance themselves first, now that I'm fuming.

Now I have to fvcking redo my whole plan. "damn!" I shouted in frustration. I haven't even completely transferred that bastard's company on my name!!! His sudden death will greatly affect our plan. Who the fvck is sabotaging me!?


Doyoung's POV.

"Check the cctv again!!" I ordered for the 6th time in a row already.

"But sir some parts of the footage has been erased. The cctv on the CEO's office has been found broken" the employee said for the 6th time as well. I slam my hand on the table in frustration. What the actual hell? I can't believe I got tricked by someone! I'm keeping my guard up here 24/7 together with my people and we didn't see anyone suspicious entering the building!

I was here last night. Wtf happened?
Why didn't I see anything!? "Goddamnit!" something's wrong here. I checked all the cctv monitor once again, but everything is just so peaceful on the footage. Someone indeed deleted some shots.

"Have you asked all the employees?" Jungwoo asked to the employee. He was sent here by Taeyong just last night also, probably to accompany me on guarding Song Min Ho... but its useless now.

"Yes sir. They all share the same statement. They said, Mr.Song dismissed everyone early last night since it's weekend. He was left on his office according to some of them. Then when they arrived this morning his finance manager discovered him dead on his office"
Jungwoo and me looked at each other.

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