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Jia's POV.

I suppress my smile as I teasingly peek at Taeyong's face who doesn't look really happy. One hand on the steering wheel and the other is on the door frame of the car, his head lazily leaning on his palm. His eyes were on the road but he kept on sighing... probably in defeat.

I can't help my smile. I won against him. After pleading him multiple times, along with some of his members... he finally agreed with my offer. Although it seems like it's still against his will, he was left with no choice but to agree. Plus, I am persistent as hell... I don't take consecutive no for an answer.

"stop that" he said.

"hm?what?" I asked.

"stop doing that" He glanced at me and even pointed my face using his free hand. I let out a laugh. Am I making him uncomfortable? I'm just looking at him. Entirely his fault for being so handsome again.

"okay okay I won't stare at you"
I said, but remained looking at him anyway. "You know you change your hair color like 3 times a week. You're going bald I swear" He's the only mafia person I know who have all the guts to color his hair.

"still handsome" he commented. Glancing at himself through the rearview mirror. My jaw almost dropped in surprise. Oow he knows how to joke around now?

"I see. You're so full of yourself" I cooed. He shrugged.

We're on our way to the Yu Xing company building, since everyone already agreed about including me on this. Taeyong already told me all the necessary things to know, and I must say I'm so ready to go now.

We stopped infront of a huge building, which I assume is Yu Xing's already. I removed my seatbelt as Taeyong turned off the engine. For the first time at the moment he turned to face me. I looked at him. Gosh he's handsome.

"If you're worried I'll get caught, you don't have to be. I already kept everything you and your members said to me. okay? don't worry too much I won't fail. It seems like y'all are doubting me. I'll just get the file and erase all the footage and probably take all valuable things thay have in there. Excuse me that's easy" I said since he's dead silent again, just staring at my face. I tend to be very talkative when things is so close to getting awkward.

"just don't get hurt" my heart literally made a leap. should I assume things or not? what's with him and his words? really, this man is driving me nuts. "stick to our plan, if things go wrong. Just run" I nodded.

So our plan is for me to enter the building and get all the files. Taeyong then will be on his firing position-- on the other side of the building-- and he'll be the one to shoot the CEO. After countless discussions, in the end they agreed to just straight off and kill the remaining targets, or else TRC will kill them all first. I don't know why tho, why he doesn't want to fully give the task to me. I can kill that CEO on the spot, in front of his face with just a knife. Maybe his trust for me is still not enough?

I looked down on my wrist watch. It's only 6 in the afternoon but it's already dark enough to commit a crime. Every details has been planned so it's going to be easy. They already booked an appointment with the CEO and I was named under one of the TRC's employee. Yeah, that's on my revenge part.

"just shoot right and nothing will go wrong. Shoot him in the head"
I said, quickly recalling how he shoot one of his target before on the chest and failed because the bastard is wearing a bulletproof vest. I know, he remember that as well.

He handed me the earpiece and I immediately wear it. "uh. I should go now?" I asked awkwardly, sounding like a question rather than a statement.

He went out of the car first and the next thing he do wasn't what I have expected. He opened the car door for me like a whole ass gentleman. "u-uh thanks" I shyly said. wait. What!? why tf am I getting shy!?

I walked pass by him since I can feel my cheeks already burning. I don't know why tf I am feeling butterflies inside my stupid stomach, right here right now. It's inappropriate. Damn Taeyong.

I looked back when I'm already like-- 10 steps away from him. He's leaning on his car both hands stuffed on his pocket. Looking at my direction.
Why tf is he glowing!?!? It's evening for fvcks sake he's brighter than my future.

I don't know what the actual fvck happened while I was walking-- but I almost tripped over nothing, good thing I got a hold of my balance. My fall would be the most embarrassing.

"be careful" he said through the earpiece. Ofcourse my heart reacted again. I closed my eyes in embarrassment and walked faster to enter the building. I swear my ears are playing tricks with me, or I really did hear his soft chortles.


Taeyong's POV.

I can't help but to chuckle. She almost tripped on her own foot. She's clumsier than what I have expected. She looked flustered and shy, she's even blushing and I can't help but smile at how she's acting. Am I making her nervous?

When she finally entered the building I took the briefcase from my car and head to my spot--- the hotel next to the building she just entered.

Not that I don't trust her enough to order her to kill Xu Ying for us, I just really don't want her to hold a gun anymore. She wanted to escape this kind of life, and continuing to perform such dids won't make her achieve that. As much as possible I don't want her to get involved of whatever trouble we have right now, she's vulnerable, especially now that even TRC is coming after her.

I reached the room I rented, which directly faces the office although the distance is really far-- my gun has a great shooting range anyway.
"Taeyong?" I pressed the earpiece when she called my name out. Her voice came out a little too soft.

"hmm?" I hummed as I set up the gun.

"ah nothing. I was just t-trying if I'm being heard" seriously, this woman is driving me nuts.

"you're clearly heard Jia" I assured.

I must admit that I am a bit wary sending her there all alone. I know she's a skilled agent but still... I'm being worried for her. This woman really had me wrap on her hands already.

I positioned myself and leveled my eye with the telescope. I can see my target now. This old fart. After a few minutes, Jia entered the meeting place along with the other employees and businessmen. My target took his seat just where we assumed he will,
just good enough spot for me to shoot him straight to his head. I'll shoot once everyone is in there, maybe I'll allow them to have small chats first.

I patiently watched all of them converse with eachother. Actually I only see Jia. Really, she wasn't my target but my focus was on her. Lee Taeyong get your shit together will you? I waited for a few minutes more before pressing my earpiece and ordering Jia to get out of the room now. I don't want her to see an exploding head. That would sure be disgusting as hell.

As soon as she left the room I shoot my target. Everyone inside the room immediately panicked. I pulled the gun out of the window and immediately closed the curtains. Done.

It's all up to Jia now.

꧁ 𝖌𝖚𝖓𝖘 // 𝖗𝖔𝖘𝖊𝖘 ꧂

Happiest New Year guys!!!
Let us all claim this year as a good one!! 2020 you will not be missed.

But we'll surely miss NCT 2020 right!?

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