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short chapter ahead !!

It was our annual family brunch, and I was miserable.

Our entire family had gotten together at this ugly ass Olive Garden to "catch up with each other", but in reality it's just members of my family continuously trying to one up each other and boast about stupid shit.

Since this is my family trying to boast at each other, my mother has decided that I needed to look more than presentable, 'more dainty' as she said. So here I am in a bright yellow wrap dress that isn't actually the worst. I felt nice.

I texted Ashly maybe three hundred times but she hasn't responded, she's probably with Chase right now. Dickhead.

I slump down into into my chair, completely tuning out my mother's subtle brags on her newest designer finds or some shit. As of now, all the attention on Arielle since she just turned sixteen and is planning a big party, covering for me so that no one asks why I didn't have a glamorous eighteenth birthday.

I've only texted Harry bits and pieces of conversations this past week, it's been almost ten days since our weird date that ended up in spooning. The thought of Harry took over all my thoughts, perfectly drowning out Aunt Marjorie's talk about her third husband. I quickly go through my contacts and see Harry's name and type.



I giggle at his texting as he tried to match my energy.

H: what's up olive ? are you okay? are you hurt?

O: no no no no nothing important actually

O: just our annual family brunch, and everyones pissing me off :(

H: i'm sorry :(( want me to go get you

my heart flutters at his words, the fact that he would just drop everything to go help me is so touching.

O: no it's fine, it's just so fucking boring *cries*

O: what r you doing over thereee ?

H: just in the studio with some sick beatz :P


H: :(



H: :)

H: where are you eating?

O: olive garden, it is so weird

H: your names match :0

O: you're ridiculous harry *rolls eyes*

H: i am not >:[

H: i'll have you know that i am a very funny guy

O: in your dreams H

H: oh yeah? i must be living in your head rent free for that to happen

O: not in a million years styles

H: we'll see about that

My cheeks burn at his statements, a noticeable shade of pink washes over my cheeks with his simple words, he probably didn't even mean it in any way. I open my camera app to see if my face was still red, trying to compose myself so that no one would ask questions but sadly, i spoke too soon as our incredible but silly conversation was cut short when my Aunt Marjorie calls out my name.

"Aaaand who are you texting there Di?" her voice slurs as she swirls her third glass of wine. My head shoots up immediately and I quickly text Harry to give me a bit and that I might reply late.

O: can't talk rn H, i'm getting hounded by the beasts

H: say hello to your aunt marjorie for me !! ;)

"No one special Aunt Marj, just a friend" I shrug.

"Oh yeah? You look as smitten as a kitten with your head glued to your screen, can't even look me straight in the eye." she smirks, catching on to the fact that I kept glancing down at my screen to see if he had replied.

"She was with that Harry kid last night," my mom chimes in and my entire mood shifts. This is not going to end well.

"Oh?" my aunt smirks, "The Styles boy? He used to be such a nice kid, obviously before he let the fame get to his head." she states, taking a bite out of her food with a grin.

"Playboy, isn't he?" she smiles, "Just like my ex-husband. You get hitched to that boy and he'll cheat on you with every bimbo on the streets. I'm just looking out for you kiddo."

I ball my fists under the table, holding back every punch of hatred I had for her words so that I wouldn't do something I know I'd regret. I quickly compose myself and take a deep breath, if I can't do any physical damage I'll do something else.

"Aunt Marjorie, I understand how you just want to look out for me and I'm very touched by it. But what you fail to understand is that Harry is a good person with good intentions, not once has he made me feel unsure or uneasy. Just because your ex-husband was an alcoholic bastard who married you for money does not mean you get to dictate how other people are. I am done." I get up, ready to storm out as my aunt's jaw is left hanging open and my mother screams out for me.

"Diana Olivia Newton get your ass back here and apologize right now!" my mother exclaims but I don't listen, instead I get up and start for the door, checking my phone to see Harry leave a few text messages.

Harry Styles 2:54 pm
we finished early at the studio

Harry Styles 2:55 pm
want me to go get you? your fam probably sucks :P

Harry Styles 2:57 pm
the guys wanna stop over for some food so we'll be there anyways is that okay?

I look at my phone screen again to see that it's 3:25 pm, my interaction with my aunt took longer than expected. Before I even get to reply to his messages the door swings open and I crash into a familiar tall body, not paying attention as my eyes were directed onto my screen. I almost fall over with the impact of colliding with him but his arms yank me upward and I meet eyes with him, his warm tobacco vanilla scent envelops me since our faces are in such close proximity, noses almost touching.

Suddenly, I had the urge to do something reckless, something that would piss off my entire family.

"Hey, are you okay?" his voice rasps, making my heart pound out of its chest.

I take a look at him, green eyes burning into me with passion. My eyes flicker back down to his lips and I launch myself into him, kissing him for the very first time.


i tried to put a visual on the dress Olivia's wearing i hope it worked haha


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