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olivia newton

The cold air surges through my window, making me shudder as tears pour down my cheeks.

"Stop crying, Olivia." I say to myself, burying my head deeper into my blankets, trying to let the fabric soak up my tears. I hated nights like this, I felt so alone.

And the worst part was that it was for no goddamn reason.

My lip starts to tremble as I let the tears fall at a faster pace, I get up and head for my bathroom, my hands already started to shake.

I stare at myself for a good minute, not liking what I saw.

I was pale and exhausted, looking numb both inside and out. I quickly washed my face and tried to get rid of any evidence that I'd just finished crying, even trying to practice a smile. I bend down into my cabinet and pick up my pack of Marlboro golds and I head back into my room.

I grab a sweatshirt and a lighter and take in a deep breath.

Deep breaths Olivia, he can't see you like this.

I slowly and carefully climb out my window, not wanting to make any noise. Getting out of my room wasn't the hard part, oh no it definitely wasn't. I've done it countless of times.

It was climbing up the tree to get to someone else's room when their family is filled with light sleepers.

I successfully climb up the tree nearest to his window and lightly knock on it, and he doesn't answer me.

"little bitch" I mutter to myself. He had to be awake, there's no way he wasn't.

I knock again, and again. Making it a tiny bit louder than the first an I peak through his curtainless window. I see a mop of curls pop up from under the covers and I immediately smile.

I wave to him as our eyes meet, and I quickly motion to him to open the door. I can't stay up on a tree all night.

He walks over to the window after grabbing something, at an incredibly slow pace and I roll my eyes at him. He sees me and smirks, purpose full going slower before I grab a rock and silently threaten to bash his window open, his eyes widen and he speeds up.

"What on earth are you doing Ms. Newton?" he asks after opening the window, smirking while crossing his arms and cocking a brow.

"Third time lucky huh? Wanna go for a smoke?" I say digging the pack of cigarettes from my pocket and he immediately chuckles.

"You're something else." he says before climbing out of his window to join me, holding a tote bag on his right shoulder and dressed in a black shirt and grey sweatpants.

We climb off the tree and up onto my house, our favorite spot being on the roof.

I smile as I see the small ashtray sitting on my roof like I said, it was our favorite spot. He sits down in our spot and pats the space next to it, gesturing me to sit with him.

I quickly make myself comfortable, sitting with my legs crossed with the cigarettes in my hand and the lighter in another.

"So tell me, Olive, why are we smoking on the roof of your house at one in the morning?" he asks, accent prominent and green eyes sparkling under the moonlight.

"Well, Harry, there is no special occasion actually. I just wanted to." I huff, blowing the cigarette smoke out of my mouth. I gesture the pack of cigarettes to him and he shakes his head no.

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