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Cassiopeia smiles as she looks around the large garden of the Potter's Manor

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Cassiopeia smiles as she looks around the large garden of the Potter's Manor. They were all gathered together to enjoy the summer day. Andromeda, Ted, Euphemia and Fleamont were sitting together talking about random things. Then there was James, Peter and Sirius who were just casually transforming into their animagus form as they played around with little Nymphadora. In the mean time, the girls and Remus were just calmly lounging in Lounge Chairs.

"Explain to me how in Merlin's beard we're just casually laying here while a Stag, a Dog and a Rat plays with an eight year old girl?" Dorcas asks, making Marlene turn to look at her in amusement.

"The same reason why it's okay for us to go to a school and learn magic. You spend one week out of Hogwarts, Dor and all of a sudden you forget you're a witch." Marlene snickers, making Dorcas hit her playfully.

"I have to admit it's actually really weird to see a grown Deer play with an eight year old." Cassiopeia says honestly, and Dorcas nods in agreement.

"Exactly! You see I'm not the only one who thinks that." Dorcas says defensively, causing Marlene to snort.

"Well at least you're not the one having sex with the one turning into a Deer. I'm basically into beastiality." Lily says, making them all burst into laughter.

"Wait, is this what girl talk is about? Merlin's beard, I love it." Remus says as he tries to catch his breath from laughing.

"Remy, you should consider yourself lucky. I think you're the only one from the boys we'd allow to listen on girl talk." Cassiopeia giggles and he beams proudly.

"I'm honoured, truly. So tell me more, I want to know everything." Remus says excitedly, making the girls giggle as they agree.

"Okay, if you want. Actually the other day, James and I were just on a date, nothing out of the usual. And then I said something, not even sure what it was, all I remember is apparently he's breaking up with me to get together with Sirius." Lily shakes her head and Cassiopeia snorts.

"Sirius did the same thing with me. They're so bloody dramatic. I'm not sure if I'm dating him or raising a child most of the time." Cassiopeia says teasingly and Remus raises an eyebrow.

"I think it's the latter. The only way to get those two to behave most of the time, is threaten them by mentioning your name." Remus sighs and the two girls look at him in amusement. "You two have those idiots wrapped around your fingers. They won't shut up about you."

"No way. What do they say?" Lily asks, intrigued by the new information.

"Absolutely everything. There was one time James was talking for three hours about the colour of your eyes, Lily." Remus muses and Marlene bursts into laughter as Lily facepalms. "Sirius and I nearly threw him out the window. But Sirius is no better, Cassie and him weren't even together when he couldn't stop talking about how every time she smiles, his heart would nearly rip out of him."

"These boys are too much. But it's really adorable." Cassiopeia giggles and Dorcas nods in agreement. Cassiopeia glances towards where the others are, just in time to see Sirius in his animagi form prancing towards her, his tongue sticking out as he pants.

"Yeah it's adorable to hear about, but annoying to live with." Remus says teasingly, as Padfoot makes his way on Cassiopeia chair and flops down next to her.

"What are you doing here? Tired?" She asks him softly as she runs her fingers through his fur and he nods, curling up and resting his head on her stomach.

"Yeah well at least for you it wasn't obliviousness. Lily spend nearly 6 years denying it and it was so annoying. She kept whining about it, not even realising what an idiot she's being." Marlene says, making Lily glare at her as Remus snickers."Honestly, Lily and James has to be the best love arch ever. It wasn't enemies to lovers, but Lily kept getting so annoyed at him it was hilarious."

"No, the best one has to be Sirius and Cassie." Dorcas says, making Cassiopeia look down at Padfoot to see him asleep and she chuckles, continuing to run her fingers through his fur.

"I disagree. The most entertaining one, was Lily and James. The cutest one, was Cassie and Sirius. The most frustrating one, was you and Mar." Remus corrects, making Lily nod in agreement.

"Oh, yes! You and Mar, that was so stressful. Like you obviously liked each other, and you knew that, but never did anything about it. It was constant flirting and nothing." Lily says with groan, making Dorcas blush slightly as Marlene bites her lip.

"What are you lot talking about?" James asks as he and Peter join them, in their human form.

"Just girl talk." Dorcas hums, making James raise an eyebrow.

"But Sirius and Remus are with you." Peter points out, making Remus smirk.

"Remus is allowed to stay on girl talk and Sirius is literally asleep." Cassiopeia retorts, making James roll his eyes playfully, before he sits down with Lily. Dorcas offers her chair to Peter, as she moves to lay on the lounge chair with Marlene.

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