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"Is everything set? Are we good to go?" James asks as he looks around the Gryffindor Commons, checking to see if everything was set up

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"Is everything set? Are we good to go?" James asks as he looks around the Gryffindor Commons, checking to see if everything was set up. A bunch of Gryffindors were standing behind his friends, who had all joined a few minutes ago.

"Yes. Everything is set. We have approximately two minutes before he walks in." Remus says, reassuring James. Cassiopeia looks around, feeling a little uncomfortable with the amount of people here. They were all waiting for Sirius to come back with Peter, who had been in charge of distracting him.

"We know the plan right? As soon as he walks in we shout happy birthday." James says to everyone who nods, not wanting to annoy the poor boy who had been stressing out about making his best friend's nineteenth birthday perfect. "I will not hesitate to crucio anyone who messes up."

"I feel like today might be the day we all die." Lily says softly to Marlene and Cassiopeia, who chuckle softly in amusement.

"Killed by your own boyfriend, how would that feel? Probably why I prefer girls." Marlene hums and Cassiopeia looks up at her.

"As if Dorcas wouldn't kill you if you messed up something for her." Cassiopeia points out and Dorcas snickers as Marlene playfully glares at the petit girl.

"He's coming!" James exclaims and casts a spell to turn off all sources of lights in the Common Room. They all wait in anticipation and excitement for him to walk in.

"Bloody hell, why is it so dark in here?" The familiar voice of Sirius speaks up and that signals James to light the candles and fireplace back on.

"Happy Birthday!" Everyone shouts as soon as there is light again and Sirius' eyes widen as a grin forms on his lips.

"Merlin's beard, this could bring any man to tears." Sirius says dramatically as he wipes away fake tears, making everyone chuckle. James walks up to him and pulls him into a hug.

"Happy birthday, mate. How do you feel now that you're the oldest?" James asks teasingly, making Sirius shove him away and James snickers.

"Prongs is just being an idiot as always." Remus snickers as he takes his turn to hug the birthday boy. They all take their turn to hug and wish him a happy birthday, Cassiopeia ending up last from the friends group. She walks up to him with a shy smile and he grins.

"Come here, my sunshine." He opens his arms up for him and she wraps her arms around him.

"Happy birthday, Sirius." She hums and his grip around her tightens slightly as he rests his head on top of hers.

"Thank you, darling. I'm glad you're here." He says happily and she blushes even more, burying her face into his chest.

"Well, I mean even if I don't like big crowds, I wasn't going to miss my favourite Marauder's birthday." She admits and he chuckles, pulling slightly away and kissing the crown of her head, her blush burning a whole new shade of red.

"You're adorable." He says softly, before pulling away and letting her go. She looks around and starts feeling nervous as she sees everyone doing their thing, someone had started playing music so some Gryffindors were dancing. Sirius notices her nervousness and takes her hand in his. "Let's go see over there! I'm pretty sure those are birthday gifts I see and I want to open yours."

"Oh. Yeah." She breaths out as he pulls her towards the couch near the fireplace, where they had set the birthday gifts.

"Which one is yours?" He asks and she points towards the flat one on top of them all. He raises an eyebrow, curious to see what is in the wrapping.

"I didn't really know what to get you." She admits as he picks it up and starts unwrapping it, to reveal a small canvas. It was a painting of the two of them dancing, in the Great Hall that time he and the other boys had let the feathers fall. "So, I thought maybe you'd like this."

"Darling. I..." He trails off, unsure what to say as he's left speechless. She starts to worry that he doesn't like it, when he doesn't say anything.

"If you don't like it. I can do another portrait or something." She says and he shakes his head as he turns to look at her with the widest smile.

"I love it. It's by far the best birthday gift." He says and she grins, her blush rising to her cheeks again. He is about to say something but the others join them.

"What are you guys doing here?" James asks as he wraps an arm around Sirius, not noticing the painting. "The party is over there!"

"What's that?" Remus asks as he sees the canvas and Sirius turns to show it to everyone, smirking proudly as they all gush over it.

"That's so cute! Is that Cassie's gift?" Mary asks, making Cassiopeia blush as Sirius nods happily with the widest grin.

"I think I'm going to cry. Cassie, that is so cute." Peter says as they all admire the painting.

"When it comes to gifts today, I can't even compete." James admits as he smirks, nudging his best friend slightly, who rolls his eyes. "Now, let's go celebrate!"

"Yes!" Marlene exclaims excitedly and pulls Dorcas to where everyone is dancing. Everyone follows them except for Cassiopeia and Lily.

"Okay. Be honest with me, do you like Sirius?" Lily asks, making Cassiopeia look up at her.

"Of course. He is a good friend." She answers and Lily gives her a look.

"Do you like him as more than a friend?" Lily rephrases her question, making Cassiopeia blush as she looks towards where Sirius is. He somehow managed to grab the whole bottle of firewhisky, holding it in his hand as he danced around with his friends and she smiles in amusement.

"How could I not?"

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