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"This is overly stressful

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"This is overly stressful." Cassiopeia hums as she looks down the stands at the floor, which looks like it's a whole world away. Marlene shakes her head and pulls her back into her seat. Cassiopeia is once again between Sirius and Marlene, which she found extremely curious.

"The point isn't to look down, darling. It's to look up." Sirius says as he nods towards the Quidditch players, flying around on broomsticks. She watches with wide eyes as James and the Hufflepuff Seeker chase after what looks like a small dot from where she is.

"I don't understand how such a sport can even be allowed. It's so dangerous." Cassiopeia says feeling anxious, making him chuckle.

"You've got to stop worrying, and enjoy the moment." Sirius says, making her take a deep breath. She tries to her ignore her anxious feeling and just enjoy the moment, the way he said. And after a while it starts to work, as a rush of adrenaline runs through her. She watches in amazement as they fly past her and expertly throw the Quaffle around. Sirius notices her being more relaxed and smiles softly, before focusing on the match.

She leans forward as James approaches himself to the Snitch, her breath getting caught at the back of her throat. In a blink of an eye, the Golden Snitch is in his hand and everyone cheering for Gryffindor jumps to their feet. Cassiopeia lets out a breathy chuckle in amazement as she cheers happily. She turns to look at Sirius, who chuckles softly.

"You see. You just got to let go." He says happily, making her smile happily.

"Let's go meet James downstairs!" Lily exclaims happily, making them all walk down to the field, where they find the Gryffindor team beaming proudly at their Seeker. Cassiopeia stays back a bit, not wanting to intrude in a moment between them.

"You did it again, Prongs." Sirius smirks proudly as he wraps an arm around his best friend, who chuckles and slightly nudges Sirius. Lily walks up to James, making Sirius drop his arm and take a slight step to the side.

"Well done. You were amazing." Lily smiles softly, making James beam happily, before he leans down and kisses her. Cassiopeia smiles softly, happy to her best friend in love.

"Oh, break it up you two. Keep the PDA down, there are kids around." Mary says teasingly, making the couple pull away and Lily playfully glares at her, while James snickers.

"Oh, you're just jealous. We all know you have a thing for the Gryffindor Keeper." Dorcas says teasingly, making Mary glare at her. Sirius notices Cassiopeia being on the side looking around awkwardly and smiles softly. Marlene notices it and smirks.

"I never expected you to like her the most. You should get to know her." Marlene says, catching Sirius' attention. "I mean you've known her for not more than three days and you've already been able to take her out of her comfort zone twice. It would be good if she had a friend like you. I wasn't sure at first, but I was wrong."

"She just needs a little push." Sirius shrugs, making her shake her head with a smile.

"Oh, trust me. We've pushed and dragged. She wouldn't budge. It was even a miracle she agreed to meet you guys." She chuckles softly and he smiles as he keeps his eyes on Cassiopeia, who taking in every detail of her surroundings. "You should invite her to the after party. She'd say no if I did."

"You know what, I will. I'll see you later, Mar." He says, before he walks up to Cassiopeia and she notices him approaching, causing her to look up at him with a shy smile. "What are you doing here all alone?"

"I just wanted to give you guys some time alone. I don't know." She says nervously, making him raise an eyebrow.

"Don't be foolish darling. We don't need that. Unless you're Snivellus. Than we need an eternity of time alone." He says, making her raise her eyebrows in confusion. "Snivellus is Snape."

"Oh. Is it true that you were the reason he nearly died in fifth year?" She asks curiously, making him chuckle nervously.

"We don't talk about that. Anyway. Moving on." He says, making her giggle softly. "Do you want to come with us to this little party we're throwing in the Common Room?"

"I appreciate the invite. But I think I'll call it a day from here on." She says timidly and he gives her look, shaking his head.

"Absolutely not. Cassiopeia, you've got to live a little more. As adorable and fun painting can be, I suppose. There is a whole wide world out there for you to discover. One that you could paint one day." He says and she bites her lip nervously. "Come. It'll be fun. There will be all the Gryffindors, that's true and if you get uncomfortable. I'll personally walk you to your room."

"Okay." She says very softly and for a second Sirius thought he imagined it, but as a smile forms on her lips, he knows he didn't. "I can't promise I'll enjoy it."

"Oh, you underestimate how much fun I can get." He smirks, making her giggle. He nods towards the others and they slowly join them.

"You joining us for the party?" Dorcas asks, looking hopeful that she says yes.

"Sirius is making it hard to say no." Cassiopeia admits, making the four girls grin as James smirks at his best friend and Remus raises an eyebrow.

"He can be persuasive." Remus snickers, making Sirius roll his eyes at him.

"Oh! This is so exciting. We'll have so much fun." Mary squeals as she takes Cassiopeia hand, pulling her away from Sirius' side. Dorcas, Lily and Marlene join the other two girls. "Let's go. We have to pick out a cute outfit or something."

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" Cassiopeia asks, making Mary shake her head.

"Nothing. Absolutely nothing. But there is always cuter. Come on." Mary says way too enthusiastically, making the girls giggle as they rush towards the castle.

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