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Since her encounter with Narcissa, she had been filled with insecurities, to the point she didn't want to face Sirius

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Since her encounter with Narcissa, she had been filled with insecurities, to the point she didn't want to face Sirius. He was willing to give her some space, but at the same time needed to make sure she was okay, so he'd ask James or Lily to go check on her.

She only left her room for classes and sometimes to eat, most of the time she had Marlene bring her some food. Her isolation had gotten to the point which Andromeda heard of it and had send her an owl to make sure she was okay. Even Sirius had written to his cousin, feeling hopeless as he watched Cassiopeia succumb to his other cousin's words.

Today she had decided to at least go see Hagrid, feeling like she needed someone to talk to. She knew she could trust Hagrid. With a sigh, she knocks on the door of the half-giant. The door swings open and Hagrid smiles as he lets her in, before shutting the door closed again.

"Cassie. I'm glad you came. I haven't see you around school and I started to get worried. How are you dear?" He asks as they sit down at their usual spot at the table.

"Just living at this point. I haven't left my room often." She admits, making him look at her in worry.

"How come? Did something happen? I hope Sirius hasn't done anything to hurt you." Hagrid says sternly, making her shake her head with a weak chuckle.

"No. If anything it might the opposite. I've been avoiding him for a week right now. I sort of met his not so nice cousin, Narcissa." She says and Hagrid leans back, having a bad feeling about this. "She sort of said that Sirius could find so much better than me. And I can't help but feel like, she is probably right."

"Nonsense! Bloody hell, Cassie. Why would you ever say or even think that she is right? That girl and Lucius, are just vixens if you ask me. Always think they're better than everyone, fortunately you didn't meet Bellatrix, she's even worse. Bloody lunatic, that one." Hagrid says making her smile in amusement. "Now, I want you to forget what Narcissa said and go enjoy your time with Sirius, because I'm certain he bloody knows that you're by far the best girl in Hogwarts."

"Thank you, Hagrid. You always know how to cheer me up." She smiles happily, making him wave her off.

"I promised your father I'd look after you when you arrive here. I'm just making sure you're happy." He says, she stands up and walks up to him, making him pull her in a hug. "Now, why don't you go back to the castle, talk to him and you can come see another time."

"Okay. Thank you again." She beams, before she pulls away and leaves the hut. She makes her way back to the castle slowly, smiling as she feels her insecurities slowly disappear. She looks around the hallways, trying to think where she could possibly find Sirius. He was probably somewhere in the Gryffindor Tower, whether it be his room or the common rooms.

She notices a couple making out against the wall of the empty hallways and she tries not to invade their privacy, but something about the boy's dark hair reminds her of someone. The closer she gets, the more features of the boy she starts to recognise, until it becomes undeniable and she halts in her steps.

Her eyes widen as they start to burn with tears, her heart dropping. She slowly starts to back away, but it seems that he notices her and pulls away from the girl to look at her. There was no denying it now, it really was him. The girl turns to look at her and scoffs, directing his attention back to her, before she leans up to reconnect their lips.

Cassiopeia turns around and starts running, as tears start streaming her cheeks. Her heart shatters into pieces and Narcissa's words start echoing in her mind. Had she really been so foolish to believe that he had ever felt as much for her as she did for him.

"Cassie?" She stops and turns around to face James, who looks at her in worry as he notices the tears. "Are you okay?"

"Please leave me alone." She croaks out, and before he can say anything else she's gone again, not noticing Sirius walk up behind James with Remus.

"Hey, who was that?" Remus asks and James turns to look at his two friends.

"It was Cassie." James responds, making Sirius straighten up and look at him questioningly. "She was crying."

"What? Why? I have to go see her." Sirius says in panic, and he's about to go in the direction she left, but James stops him.

"I think we should let Lily talk to her. Right now we need to focus on not getting caught by Minerva for the stunt we just pulled in the library." James reminds him and Sirius reluctantly sighs.

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