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James, Lily and Harry had left to an unknown location, leaving Cassiopeia and the others with a void in their lives

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James, Lily and Harry had left to an unknown location, leaving Cassiopeia and the others with a void in their lives. Things had started to get very tense between them all, Cassiopeia noticed a certain mistrust starting to form between Remus and Sirius. Everyone in the house knew that Sirius was the Secret-Keeper. Marlene had moved out of the house, not wanting to stay where she had seen a future with Dorcas. Peter eventually stayed, not able to leave his friends behind.

Cassiopeia was absolutely miserable during that time, Sirius tried to cheer her up, making her feel better. Yet he only seemed to make her smile for a short amount of time. They continued to go on patrols in hopes to put an end to this all, but nothing. Harry's first birthday came and passed, and they couldn't even spend it with him. As the mistrust between Sirius and Remus grew, Peter slowly started to withdraw from them.

She wished things could go back to the way they were before they joined the Order. She had never regretted anything more than joining. She could only wish her father or her adoptive parents were still here to help her through the pain. She visited Andromeda once or twice, but even she couldn't take away her pain. Sirius had to watch his sunshine lose her light a little more everyday and it broke him.

With a sigh he slowly crawls into the bed next to her, hesitating to hold her, but eventually wraps his arm around her waist and buries his face in her shoulder blade. She closes her eyes, not wanting him to see her tears. They stay in silence for a while, before she breaks it.

"It's October 1981. Do you still think we'll have a wedding in January? Dorcas won't be there. Lily and James might not be there either. I'm not even sure I'll be there." She says weakly, making him pull her closer.

"Don't say that. I don't know if we'll get married in January either, but I promise one day we will. Even if it has to be right now, just as two." He says softly and she sighs, opening her eyes again. An idea comes to mind and she turns around to face him.

"Today? What does it take to get married now?" She asks and he looks up at her in shock, not having expected her to ask this.

"Well, a ring. And a someone to officiate it." He says and she huffs, biting her lip in thought.

"Muggles get married randomly on a day. We could go to one of those places and do it. Just us two there and no one has to know. Then we can make a proper wedding when this all over. I just want to be able to say I got to marry you." She admits and he smiles softly, pecking her lips softly.

"Me too darling. How about this? We both put something nice and we go to the Muggle world, find someone who will do it for us." He suggests and she smiles, nodding in agreement. He stands up and stretches his hand out for her to take, which she takes before he pulls her out of the bed. As soon as her feet touch the floor she leans up and kisses him quickly. "Are we really about to do this?"

"Yes, of course! Come on, Sirius. Live a little." She says teasingly, making him glare at her playfully. She makes her way towards their wardrobe and looks through it, until she finds a white summer dress. Taking the dress out, she makes her way to the bathroom and starts getting ready. She smiles softly at the thought of marrying him today and glancing out to see him trying to figure out what to wear.

Her heart drops, as she smiles weakly. The only reason why she was rushing them getting married is because she had a feeling something horrid was about to happen and she didn't want things to end, without them having made their love official. She wasn't going to tell him, not wanting him to start worrying and she hoped that the bad feeling, was just a feeling. Nothing more.

"You okay?" Sirius asks, snapping her out of her thought and he smiles at her encouragingly. "Not having second thoughts, are you?"

"No. Never." She smiles happily and he reflects that smile.

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