Chapter 8:

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Madelyn's POV

After the attack I kept thinking about that smell, my wolf wouldn't have picked it up unless it meant something. Could that have been my mate? No. My mate wouldn't be a vampire. Right?

I am shaken from my thoughts by Grace, "Hey Ava's birthday is in two days. We have to go get her a present."

I finish straightening my hair, and turn around to face Grace," Actually I already got her a present because I'm a good friend... or cousin?"

"No need to rub it in my face that you are perfect," Grace picks up my hair brush and begins to fix her hair. I snatch the brush out of her hands," I'm not saying I'm perfect, just saying I have better memory." I walk back into my bedroom and grab my phone along with my purse.

"Alright let's grab the others and head out to the mall," We walk down the hall and grab all of our friends. We decide to take different cars, just in case Ava tries to follow us. Yeah it's happened before. On my way to the mall I noticed a black car behind me, it's been there for a while. Ok Maddy calm down, they could just want to go to the mall? I decide that it's better safe than sorry so I turn down a random street. I look back to see the car still behind me. I made a couple more twists and turns before settling that they were indeed following me.

Time to whip out my teenage rebellion phase. I go as fast as my jeep will let me, take the turns fast and hard.

That's what she said.

'Stupid wolf' I keep driving until I'm pleased that I lost them. Pulling into the mall I find where the rest of the gang parked. Lila punches me lightly on my shoulder," Man you really are slow."

I start walking fast to the mall," Guy's hurry up and go inside." I usher them in the doors of the mall and look back, I miss the view of the van turning into the parking lot. After we are a safe distance in the mall I turn to my friends," Someone was following me here, I lost them but it could have been the people who attacked us last week."

We share worried looks before Oliver speaks up," Well we can't do anything right now, so let's go find a present for Ava." The others agree, but I can't help but feel I am being watched. I hurry off to catch up with them, but not before looking back into the sea of people.

Unknowns POV

I watch as her body tenses, she stares right at me in the crowd. I know she doesn't see me because she turns back around and joins her friends. I follow her silently through the crowd, making sure my scent is hidden. They walked into a store called Victoria secret. Well someone's secret is out. I watch as she blushes and refuses, the man called Oliver grabs her and pulls her in. I growl at another man touching what's mine. Wait. No. Stupid mate bond making me think inappropriate things. I don't do Mutts.

Madelyn's POV

I walk through Victoria secret, completely mortified. They all agreed we should get her lingerie because she would find her mate this year. So that's how I ended up on the floor surrounded by underwear, making snow angels.

"Hey get up," Andy kicks me with his foot. He nudges me up and we start to head out of the store. We turn the corner into an empty part of the mall, we soon realize our mistake and turn around to exit, but before we can start walking a group of vampires have us surrounded.

"What do you want," I crack my neck making sure I am loose enough for a fight. The dude in front steps forward before giving me a sneer," You." Then all hell breaks loose. We each focus on our own vampire, I get the dude who pissed me off the most. He had a smug look on his face as he dodged my punch, man what I would do to have a stake right now. I send a kick to his lower abdomen, he counters it by pushing me up against the wall. I am held off the ground, gasping for breath, I manage to kick him in the leg. This makes him to loosen his grip on me slightly, I take this as an opportunity to slap him on his right ear.

For those of you who don't know, vampires have very sensitive hearing, so that hurt like a mother. He yelled out in pain, but I didn't stop there. I grabbed the back of his head and slammed it into the ground multiple times. Since I wasn't in wolf form I couldn't tear his head off, so I settled with giving him a hell of a headache.

Before he passed out he whispered something that gave me chills," He will get you." I step away from the body and look around at my friends. Each had taken care of their vampire and were dragging the bodies into an empty shop. I walked over to the group," Guy's not to be dramatic but I think they want me."

Andy gasps," You mean for a sex slave or something weird like that?" He receives 3 slaps after that comment.

Andy gasps," You mean for a sex slave or something weird like that?" He receives 3 slaps after that comment

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<3 thatonepalegirl

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