Chapter 7:

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Madelyn's  POV

I walked back to my room and as I entered I noticed the number of people almost doubled. Grace, Ava, Lila, Oliver, and Andy all sat on my bed laughing and throwing the last remaining bits of popcorn into each other's mouth.

"Woah why is everyone in my room," I set down the new bowl of popcorn on my bedside table." I didn't expect all of you to be here."

Andy speaks up from beside Lila," Of course we came to support our girl." He gave a cheeky grin before throwing a pillow at my face. I made an oof sound as my face hit the pillow. This made us all launch into a full blow pillow fight.

After a while of playing around we all decided to gang up on Oliver because... Well he's Oliver. Soon enough we are all gasping for air. We may be werewolves but man, pillow fights are intense. We all plop down on my king size bed, letting out huffs of air.

"Guys, we're out of ice cream," Grace's statement makes us gasp. In all of our slumber parties we have never had a short supply of ice cream." Guy's we have to go get more!" After I say this we all rush into the kitchen, in search of ice cream. After looking everywhere, and I mean everywhere, we give up. Oliver even looked in the trash can. I give him an odd look as he does it.

Oliver starts to whine about how he will die without ice cream, along with Ava. "Okay guys it's no big deal, let's just run to target and get some more," I suggest.. We all pile out the front door and head straight for my car. We hop in and turn up the music, now it's about 11 at night so we get some weird looks from people on the street as we drive with our windows down. Pretty sure they're going to call the cops and say I'm a drunk driver.

We all belt out the words to the newest Nicki Minaj song and Minutes later we pull into the parking lot of target. We hop out of the car yelling," T-t-t-t-target." All of us are gasping for breath because of how hard we are laughing.

I grab a cart and we start to head towards the back of the store. Of course we decide to stop in the shoe section on the way and we take snapchats of us trying on ridiculous shoes. I decide to try on some blood red high heels and walk down the aisle like a queen. I somehow end up tripping into the arms of a target worker. I straighten up before looking up to fix his badge," Hey umm, Jared, is it? Sorry 'bout that." I giggle and look back to my friends with wide eyes to see them snickering like little school children.

Andy, however, was staring at him in awe. I heard him mutter the word mate under his breath. Did I forget to mention that Andy is gay? I decide to step into action. Plan get Andy laid is now a go. "So hi Jared you seem really nice, let me introduce you to my friend Andy." I drag Jared over to where Andy is standing. Both boys start to blush while they stammer over introductions.

"Hi I'm Andy, I normally don't do this but I'm giving you my number," Andy swiftly grabs a shoe box next to him and the pen from Jared's front pocket, he then writes his number down and hands it to Jared. "I hope you call me." He gives him one final glance and walks away, we all follow him and once we are a safe distance away all of us girls yell.

"Omg you were so confident!"

"Where the heck did that come from."

"Bro you got game."

"Man I wish you weren't gay.."

It doesn't take a genius to know grace said the last one.

Andy starts to blush under the gaze of all of us," My wolf just told me to go for it, and he's human which is so much better! I've always wanted a human mate so I can surprise them easily and show them our world." He talked with so much passion in his eyes that it made me slightly deflate, I would never have that.

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