Chapter 1:

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  Madelyn Woods POV

You see waking up is no easy task. Who made it where school began at 8 in the morning? Why can't it be socially acceptable to go to school in pajamas? Why can't I have ice cream for breakfast? These are all important questions and for some reason no one is concerned enough. Instead I have to drag my tiny butt out of my warm bed to go to a dumb school with humans dumber than a rock. Oh how badly I want to shift and torment each and everyone of those idiotic little-

Oh yes Maddy let's just casually show the locals that giant animals are living among them.

'Of course Mays, how did I not think of that,' I responded to my wolf which earned me an over the top eye roll from her.

I get up out of my comfy bed while grumbling about how unfair it is. Waddling over to my bathroom I stare in the mirror, wow I am so hot. Did you catch the sarcasm? My yellow tinted blonde hair looks like a bird had nested in it. My face held leftover mascara from yesterday that I was too lazy to wipe off. However, I am thankful that werewolf genes burn any acne trying to pop up.

I proceed to do my business and brush my teeth. Skipping the shower because this girl showers at the proper time, night. Walking out of the bathroom I ungracefully plop down at my vanity that my best friend, Lila, got me when I was fourteen.

You see Lila has been my rock since first grade. I've lived with my grandparents my whole life because my mother died giving birth to me and after that my father just couldn't take it and ran off. We have no clue where he's at but I hope he's rotting in a metaphorical ditch. Or a real one, I'm not picky.

I snap out of the old memories and begin my beauty routine. A decent amount to hide that I was up watching criminal minds until four in the morning. Screwing closed my mascara I opened up the small closet next to the bathroom, silently contemplating wearing a big sweatshirt and leggings. Instead, I grab the cropped green sweater and throw my favorite high waisted jeans on. I brush out my mane of hair and throw half of it into a quick messy bun.

I turn to look at my clock and realize it's 7:33. I rush downstairs and grab an apple. My grandparents don't get up until later because they stay up watching some dumb gameshow. Slightly tripping as I throw on my white sneakers, I grab my keys off the hook and hurry outside. I hop in my car that I got for my 16th birthday, which is a white jeep with black trim (thank you life insurance policy).

My drive only takes me about 15 minutes, because let's be honest here, no one goes the speed limit. I pull into the parking spot I've had for two years and jump out of the car. I grab my backpack from the passenger's seat along with my charger. I always bring a charger because a girl needs her daily fix of Doctor Spencer Reid. I begin my trek to the front entrance when I'm tackled by a lunatic with ebony hair. The familiar scent of apples and rosemary filled my nose.

"Happy Birthday Madelyn'" my best friend Lila screamed. I winced and pulled away before laughing. We get up and walk through doors of school. I call this place hell. It's smell of old coffee and paper makes me want to run straight out of here and never come back.

"Thanks Lila I completely forgot," I grumble under my breath, pissed because she does this every year. I don't need a reminder to recall the day my father left.

"How could you forget? You find your mate today!" She grabs my arm and shakes it violently. I try and get her to calm down because we are getting a lot of strange looks from our classmates. We begin to walk down the locker filled hallways before we get to our red and black lockers. Putting in my combination I begin to talk.

"I am just nervous that whoever it is will think I'm weird." I fiddle with the door of the locker, swinging it back and forth.

Lila looks at me before laughing," Honey you are weird, but if he doesn't like it then he can come talk to my fists."

I laugh at the determined expression on her face because I know she wouldn't hurt a fly. My nervousness that I felt before began to disintegrate as we walked down the hall and started talking about that day's drama. Lila and I are early into class as always because an annoying kid named Jacob liked to steal my seat.

As I sit down a mouth watering scent of Axe body spray and Oranges washes over me. My wolf perks up in my head before running in circles chanting mate, mate, mate, mate. I sit up in my seat and squirm around before looking up and making eye contact with the most beautiful pair of brown eyes I've ever seen. They are a dark espresso color, with hints of hazel. My gaze devours his face, ducking over the caverns and hills. Luke Miller, the future alpha of the Lowell pack, aka my pack is standing in front of me.

"Mate," his deep voice echo's around me and I hold back a shiver. I stare up at him, unable to look away from the hypnotizing gaze. Luke and I had never really talked other than giving him answers to homework. We are in completely different friend groups. He is popular and social whereas I am content to sit on the side lines and observe.

My smile is instantly turned upside down as he leans closer, smirks and says," I Luke Miller, reject you, Madelyn Woods as my mate."

My wolf starts howling in my head and the most excruciating pain rolls over me. I wither in my seat feeling the newly formed tether slowly unraveling from his side. I hear my wolf begin to release an anguish filled howl, calling out to his wolf as a last resort. I instantly see red, no one makes my wolf cry but me. Anger fills my whole body and I stand up violently, pushing the desk back. Aware of the flow of classmates that have started to arrive I shove as much hatred into my whisper as I say...

"I Madelyn Woods accept your rejection." 

Hello people! I wrote this story back when I was in 7th grade and was reading through some of the chapters I had, and honestly they were pretty good

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Hello people! I wrote this story back when I was in 7th grade and was reading through some of the chapters I had, and honestly they were pretty good. So I figured now that I was older and wiser I could edit them and actually put together an eligible story. I will admit I'm used to writing eloquent essays and not casual stories so I tried my best to not use big words. 

I'm open to any feedback you guys have!

<3 Thatonepalegirl

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