Chapter 11:

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Madelyn's POV

Thoughts rush through my head at 90 a minute. Snips of the few conversations I've had with him. Him. Every time I think of him I go red in the face and my heart starts beating out of my chest.

I tear my gaze away from the food I'd been staring at for the last five minutes, rapidly blinking to rewet the dry feeling. Realizing the time I shovel the food into my hole and quickly hop off of the stool. Rushing out of the pack house, I jog to the training fields for our regular morning practice.

As I arrive I realize I'm later than usual thanks to my day dreaming. Good going Madelyn, you've successfully let him consume your entire life and you've only said two things to him.

"Mads, you're later than usual." Oliver's face is lit up as it pops into my vision. I lightly push his head out of my way and keep walking.

"Yea slept in a bit, forgot to set my alarm," I grumbled as I set my water bottle on it's normal spot near a huge oak tree. Oliver gives me a look of disbelief.

"You, the girl who has an anxiety attack if she's 3 minutes late to something, forgot to set her alarm. Which is set automatically everyday." I avoid his gaze as I start to wrap up my hands, carefully weaving them around and around.

"Ollie I don't want to talk about it so can we just fight," finishing my wrap, I walk over to one of the training mats. And thus begins four hours of mindless fighting as I let my muscle memory take over for me.

Throwing one more punch, I call it quits after having to catch my breath one too many times. Stepping off the mat I unwrap the now loose wrappings. I pick up my water to take a couple swigs and wash the gross taste out of my mouth.

Maybe I can casually walk to the prison and just happen to walk by his cell. Wait no that's dumb, you never go to the prison.

Bring mate food.

That's a terrible ide- Wait a minute, no one would question someone bringing in food for a prisoner. Mays you're a genius. I feel her puff up in my mind with pride.

Food is always the answer.

Mentally agreeing with her, I throw Oliver a small wave and set off to the pack house. Which leads me to glaring at the pantry because we apparently have no good food. I settle on making him a quick grilled cheese with some fruit on the side. Grabbing a water bottle, I put it all on one of the fake silver platers reserved for the prisoners.

Alright Madelyn all you need to do is act casual. I give an odd peace sign to someone passing before cursing myself. So not normal. Okay new plan, head down and don't look at anyone because heaven knows you'd blurt out something dumb like sex.

Walking into the front doors of the prison, I hurry down the halls so the prisoners don't get all worked up again. I nod to a couple of the guards I pass and give them small smiles. Reaching the back cell I slow down and mentally prepare myself. I approach the cell and see the devil himself in the back corner, blood dripping down his face where I assume they tried to beat information out of him.

I can feel my wolf start to stir in anger and I quickly block her out.

Awkwardly shuffling up to the door I clear my throat," Um hi I brought you something to eat. I didn't know what you liked so I just whipped something up real quick."

I slightly hold up the tray to show him the pathetic looking grilled cheese. He slowly looks up into my eyes, the contact sending butterflies fluttering in my stomach.

"You do realize I'm a vampire. I drink blood," He deadpans. My mouth falls open as I frantically try to form words," Well I- You see- I thought-" He cuts me off before I can keep embarrassing myself.

"How can someone so stupid be so beautiful," I instantly light up in a red blush, before I realize he just insulted me.

"Hey! I was just trying to be nice, besides who would've thought vampires can only drink blood. I thought you guys were all alcoholics." Huffing slightly I plop down on my rump right outside the cell.

He chuckles as he comes to sit near the front of the cell," Well most vampires only drink it because it helps the cravings but everything else tastes like dirt."

I let my eyes wander over his form," What happened to you? You look like you got hit by a bus and then attacked by a squirrel." My hand raises of its own accord and reaches between the bars, lightly gliding over his cuts. Tiny shocks fill my hand as we both jerk back.

His mood switches instantly," None of your business mutt." And he recedes back into the darkness of the cell.

My wolf flinches inside of my head as I try not to let the hurt shine in my eyes. Feeling the slight stinging behind them, I hurry to get up and brush all the dirt off me.

"Well excuse me for wanting to get to know my mate," turning and angrily walking out of the prison.

Who does he think he is? I took the time out of my day to make him food and bring it to him. Granted I didn't think the whole thing through on the vampire side but it's the thought that counts.

"None of your business mutt," I mock under my breath, slightly scoffing as I step around a giant puddle in my way. Suddenly, as I'm walking around it I bump into a large wall.

"Woah Mads no need to feel me up, you can see the whole show if you wanted." The voice behind the wall sounded exactly like Luke. Great.

I roll my eyes as I create distance between us," You know what Luke, I can't be with someone who looks like they can't swim." I give him a sickly sweet smile before I try to go around him.

He grabs my arms and forces me to come to a stop, gazing down slightly I see light bruises and cuts on his hands. Dots start connecting in my mind. Training bruises heal about an hour after, however if he was to get them from a vampire...

"Oh hey those are some nasty bruises Luke, when'd you get those." I try to ask as casually as possible to not raise suspension.

He proudly grins," Beat up that one hostage in the cells. It refused to give anything up but I'm heading there now to try again."

I grow slightly angry and have to take a deep breath," Under whose orders?"

"Well Alpha Parker gave up after the first round because 'they've been trained for this' but I think anyone could break."

I give him a look of disbelief," You think that your tiny little fists are going to make that man in there crack?" I chuckle slightly before giving him a coy smile," Calling you an idiot would be an insult to all stupid people."

I can see him shaking slightly," Well why don't you come with me and see just how hard my fists can fly. Last time I had him crying in the corner."

Giving him a look, I gesture for him to lead the way. 

Just now realizing that I suck at writing :)

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Just now realizing that I suck at writing :)

<3 thatonepalegirl

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2020 ⏰

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