thirty eight - imagine (part 1/2)

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this does NOT take place during covid times

fuck the airlines. it's not their fault, but fuck them.

i ran my hands through my hair and sighed deeply. i rubbed my eyes and sat back in my uncomfortable seat outside my gate. i glared at the sign that said "delayed." i decided to finally call finn and tell him what the situation is.

i put in my airpods and opened finn's contact. i clicked the facetime button. it rang for a minute before his face popped up on the screen. he smiled widely.

"hey bubba! waiting to board?" he asked excitedly. i bit my lip.

"it's delayed," i muttered. "possibly for days." finn's face dropped.

"what? no. this can't be happening." he furrowed his brows.

"yeah, i know," i looked down and picked at some fuzz on my pants. i looked back up at the phone with heavy eyes. "they're having issues with the plane, and since it's the holidays, they can't just have us board another one. they said it might take days to find the problem and fix it."

"we can just come get you," he said desperately.

"i'm too far away. i'll just get a hotel room for a bit and come to you when they fix the plane."

"but- but that might be after christmas. and you won't be here today."

"i know bubba. and i'm so sorry. i wanted to be with you on your birthday, but it just doesn't look like it's going to happen. i'm so sorry." i watched as a single tear dripped off his cheek. this made one drip off of mine.

"i love you," he whispered.

"i love you too," i said through the tears in my throat. "happy birthday love."

he smiled slightly and hung up the phone. i leaned back in my seat and tried to take deep breaths so as to not start sobbing at the airport. all i wanted was to be with the love of my life on his birthday. but it looks like that's not going to happen.

time skip brought to you by the fact that christmas was yesterday and i'm kinda very sad it's over :-)

i started awake as i heard the crackling of the speakers overhead. i didn't even remember falling asleep. i rubbed my eyes and tried to wake myself up properly.

"hello passengers of flight 1801. sorry for the delay, but the plane is back up and running and safe to fly. we will start boarding in 10 minutes. your flight will arrive in vancouver at 8:12 pm." my eyes widened and i fumbled to grab my phone. i went to finn's contact before thinking for a second. maybe i could make it a surprise... i scrolled down to nick's contact and opened messages.

hey, they're boarding in 10
minutes! can you pick me
up at the airport at around

holy shit, yeah. he'll
he so excited.

i know😈

i took a deep breath, so relieved that we'll still be able to see each other tonight. i gathered my stuff and got ready to board.

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