What's happening to me?

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A/N: okay, sorry. I know it's been a long time since I last updated (letting you know now the chapter is very short, please forgive me) but life seemed to get in the way of me updating (plus I might have had a major writers block). But here it is, the newest chapter! (P.S. Thanks to all of you who voted and commented on the past chapters. I hope you like this one too, despite its shortness)

Green's POV

She beat me... defeated me. She not only beat me, she practically annihilated me with no effort! She's... wow.... It's been a while since anyone beat me that badly. The way she battled, she reminded me even more of Red.

She had a triumphic smirk on her face and tipped her hat to me in thanks for the match. If it weren't for how girly her pokemon were, or the dress, I would have said she was Red and just needed another hair cut.

I walked up to her and held my hand out, "congratulations on your win, here, you earned it." I passed the badge over to her, a smile on my face. At least, it was there until she took out her badge case which was full of badges from several regions. Whoa, this girl has been all over the place, no wonder she's strong. I could easily picture Red with the same bulk of badges if he had not stopped after becoming our region Champion. If only he wasn't so lazy and stubborn.

"Wow, you seem to be quite the battler. I can't believe you've gotten so many gym badges..." She blushed lightly and shrugged, as though to say it was nothing. I stuck out my hand to shake hers. She had long, slender fingers. Her hand was just slightly smaller than my own, and seemed to fit perfectly. A strange tingling shot up my arm and gave me the same feeling as whenever Red and I shook hands. But that's just rivalry... right?

"Well, guess I'll see you around Akane..." She smiled, making my knees buckle slightly, and nodded her head. She then turned around and walked out the door, making me question what the heck this pounding of my heart meant.

"Damn Green, she mopped the floor with you," one of my trainers, Kazuto, came up to me and patted me on the shoulder sympathetically. (I don't know any of Green's trainers so I'm going to make them up, sorry.)

"But you know, I wouldn't mind being beaten by that little number..." Hiroma looked back, as if trying to catch a glimpse of her even though she was already long gone. I had to hold back a growl that threatened to burst out. What's wrong with me?!

"It seems like you knew her Green. Is there something your not telling us?" Kazuto nudged me with his elbow playfully.

"What?! No! I just met her this morning, total coincidence I assure you," I picked Eevee up into my arms and walked, stomped, back to my office. Those guys have no idea what they are talking about. There's no way I could like Akane like that.... She reminds me too much of Red. It'll feel like I'm betraying him... n-not that it should or that it should matter but... s-still.... I took a deep breath in an attempt to calm down.

I... I should go see Red.... Yeah! Then I can tell him all about Akane! I grabbed my coat quickly and rushed out the door, eager to see Red... Oh, and tell him about Akane too.

Red's POV

"I can't believe you beat him! And with my pokemon! R-Akane! You are truly amazing!" I glared over at Blue angrily, still not over what she did to me, not that she noticed. Blue was incredibly hyped up by my victory against Green, not that I wasn't but.... Green was different somehow. He smiled and congratulated me- I mean Akane. To me he shows determination in his eyes and yells with conviction that the next battle will be his win. C-could it be that he likes Akane more than me? I know they are both me but... this is starting to confuse me. What is wrong with me? This is isn't me!

"Red? Is everything okay?" She whispered over to me, not wanted everyone to hear my name. I just nodded. She looked at me, concerned, only for a moment more before she stepped back and continued talking. "Well, since we're going to meet up with Green later... You need a new outfit... Heck let's just get you a whole new wardrobe!" Oh Arceus. Blue grabbed my arm and dragged me over to the nearest shopping district.

Green's POV

"Red!" I hung up my coat in the hallway and searched around the empty living room. "Red?" Maybe he's in the bedroom? I went around the corner, expecting to see Red asleep on my bed, only to find it empty. Where is he? Did he... maybe... go back?!?

Hope you liked it and again, sorry for the short chapter. I'll try to update again soon (hopefully with a longer chapter) please comment and vote.

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