Do you trust me?*

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A/N: I just wanna thank you guys for reading and shout out to asterdelicacy, thanks so much for being my first commenter! I was so nervous, so thank you. Hope ya'll enjoy this chapter!


Everyone sat around in Green's living room. Leaf and Green sat on the long couch while Red sat on the arm chair, hat tipped low, head down. He definitely was not blushing in this moment.

"Red," he stiffened up, "it's just a small question." Leaf's voice was smooth as she pushed down her anger, encouraging him to answer, but he simply shook his head no. Leaf threw her hands up in the air in frustration. "No? No what Red?!" He stayed quiet.

Where was he? Why won't he tell us? Why won't he tell me? I mean, we're close right? I think we are, so, why? Green's brain was going a mile a minute and he just couldn't stop himself. D-did Red not think the same?

Red began nervously fingering a necklace around his neck, eyes still cast downward. Since when does Red wear a necklace?

"You are being difficult Red! Please? We just want to know where you-"

"Leaf, it's fine." Green cut her off causing her to direct her anger at him.

"Fine?! How is this fine Green?! Aren't you even a little bit worried where our best friend has been for the past 2 months?" Green sighed lightly and rubbed the bridge of his nose.

"Yes, of course I have, but I also can clearly see that he doesn't want to talk about it. He's here now and he's safe."

"But for how long Green?! Is he gonna stay off the mountain? What if he disappears to where ever the hell he was again and we never find him? Green, what if-!"

"I know!" Green yelled loudly, effectively shutting Leaf up and shocking a quiet Red who had been quietly listening and moving his head as though he were watching a tennis match.

Leaf saw Green slowly pick his head up and gasped, his eyes seeming to glow a bright green, his emotions shining through. "Don't you think I know all of that Leaf?... But... Red knows this too. So he must have a reason." Leaf looked over at Red, as though seeing if he would confirm it, but he simply continued to look at Green. When Green peeked over at him, he looked off to the side.

Leaf sighed and stood up. "Alright then, you seem to know what your doing Green..." She walked over to Red, leaning down to hug him, but stopped short when he flinched away from her. Seeing the hurt shine in her eyes Red relented and leaned into her arms. "I'm sorry Red, really. I was just so worried about you." Some tears escaped from the corner of her eyes, but she wiped them away before anyone could see.

She stepped up to the door, put on her shoes, and walked out. Green sighed loudly, the day's events draining him. So much for his day off, more than half the day was already gone. He looked up only to see Red looking at him, blush, then look away. Well at least he seems back to normal. Wait, since when was Red blushing normal?

Red, being the silent and antisocial guy he is, stayed quiet and undisturbed by the awkward atmosphere that was left in the room. Green slowly stood up, causing Red to turn back to him. Green crouched down to eye-level in front of him, lightly cupping his face, and touching their foreheads together, sharing the same breath.

Red's face loudly exclaimed his name while Green was too lost and upset to truly notice. "Hey, Red, a-are we... What I mean to say is..."-Am I, the Great Green Oak, really stuttering over my words?- "are we still good?" Red tilts his head to the side in confusion and Green can almost see the Pikachu ears on him flopping down. "What I mean is... We're still best buds right?" Red nods, as though this were obvious, which it should have been, but for some reason Green was doubting what he thought his relationship with Red was. Green's head fell in sadness.

Red didn't even trust him enough to tell him where he's been for the past 2 months....

As if he read Green's mind, Red replied to the thought, "... I trust you Green...." It was soft and, if Green's ears hadn't been trained to hear Red's voice, he might not have heard it at all. But he did. Red trusted him. Green breathed a sigh of relief before slowly lifting his head up to look at Red. Before he got there though, something caught his eye. It was half silver plated and half gold plated. On it, engraved, was the words 'never forget'. It didn't take long for Green to put one and one together, literally, to make two. Gold and Silver?


A/N: I'll try to update as often as I can, but you know how it can get with school. I think I'm doing fairly well with updates so far though and I'm still attempting to really add a plot, but please bear with me. Again, please comment and vote, I'd love to hear what you guys think. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll put up the next one as soon as it's done. *\(^o^)/*

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