So close yet so far

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A/N: I tried not to take too long, but I probably did, oops, and I also probably didn't fill in the length requirement, but I like this ending so it's gonna stay like this. Thanks to asterdelicacy, KittenCatX3, RiteMeowRed, LibraCaelis, NatauDragneelx777, BowserKoopajr, marasearles7, KiannaMarie4, Nicolebello45, CANDYNINJA101401, vampiera, WompasaurusRex, Skamoey_Rider, Bluesilver012, and nonsense_words for voting for Where were you?! And thanks to asterdelicacy, WompasaurusRex, KittenCatX3, CANDYNINJA101401, Nocolebello45, RiteMeowRed, Skamory_Rider, SaishiKurenai, and nonsense_words for commenting on Where were you?! Hope you enjoy this next chapter, so Relax & Read on.

Red's POV

Silence filled the room and Green waited for his answer. Red just sat there, straddling him, blushing beet red-suiting his name- without a clear answer to give him.

Green's hands massaged into my lower back, making me relax, though I could still not meet his gaze. "... Sh-shopping, n-needed clothes...." Good job! I got almost a whole sentence out this time.

"With who?" Arceus!

"... Y-yellow...." It was common knowledge, at least to those close to me, that Yellow and I are really close, practically siblings. It would be incredibly believable for me to have been with her, right?

"Oh... She sounded different through the phone." I tried not to let my panic show on my face as I shrugged. I can't believe I lied! To Green! Guilt flooded me and the truth clogged my throat, begging to come out as I tried to push it down.

"Are you okay Red?" Green leaned forward, pushed back my bangs, and touched his forehead to mine. My face started to feel hot and I could feel it starting to travel down my neck. "You look a bit sick...." I nodded slightly, causing our faces, for a brief moment, to be centimeters apart. I froze, at the wrong moment-or the perfect one. Our noses were side-by-side. I looked into the green orbs that filled my every thought, both awake and dreaming, before me, surprised to see them starring back into me. I tried to not let my eyes show the feelings that dwelled inside me all these years, but the longer I sat there, in his lap, his arms around me, starring into each others eyes, the harder I found it to hold myself back from closing the distance between us. Green's face slowly moved forward, his eyes closing, and my heart beat out of my chest and my breath caught. Green.

Just then Green's phone rang, shattering the moment. His eyes instantly flew open, shock and confusion clearly shining through. I, thoroughly embarrassed, practically jumped out of his lap and ran to the restroom. What just happened?!

Green's POV

I've never seen Red move so fast as he frantically scrambled off my lap and slammed the bathroom door behind him. I silently cursed as I answered my phone. "Yeah?"

"Damn Green, who pissed in your coffee this morning?" Gold's annoying voice filled Green's ear as his mood seemed to plummet even further.

I grit my teeth to keep back my snarky reply. "Is there something you wanted Gold?"

Gold snickered, "I just wanted to let you know that Silv and I are gonna be going to Viridian this Sunday, let's meet up, for old times sake."

Arceus he makes me sound so old when I'm barely 19. "Sure, but only if Red wants to."

"Great, see you Sunday then." With that he hung up. Gold called me, just for that. Figures. Gold's always had such horrible timing. Horrible timing? What was happening anyway? What was I about to do?!


A/N: A big thanks for those of you following me and following this story. Hopefully you liked this chapter and continue to read on. Please vote and comment. Hope to hear from ya'll soon and I'll start working on the next chapter. Sayanora~

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