chapter 23

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A/n helloooo  i hope your Christmas is doing great ! Here is a longer chapter for you ;)

Y/n pov

'i am so close to the smell '
You were on the street you don't remember but you walked still and then you saw something or i can say people with a guns.
- STAY STILL - one of them yelled
- i i am not going to hurt you- you said
- oh really ? Everyone is saying this !- second person said
- g guys maybe it's true - you heard the third person say this to them
- alright but it's only for you- one said
- come here - he said

You walked to them but when it wasn't blurry you stopped
- why did you stop walking? - he said
-   g gogy?- you said
-   how do you know his name - the next person said
-   z zak ?- you said now walking to them
-   how do you k know them ?- the last person said
-   Darryl !- you started running to them
-   hey stop!- zak said and you stopped
-   who are y you ?- Darryl asked
-   g guys name y/n don't you r remember ?- you said and they froze
-   Y/N ! - they yelled and runned to you
-   glad to see you alive - you said hugging them
-   where were you the whole time?- george asked
-   we are not the only ones left - you said
-   they are alive ?!- Darryl asked
-   yes but I didn't found the rest still..- you said
-   so do you guys have place to live ?- george asked
-   not really i was looking for you and they for a place to stay. - you said
-   well we don't have a place to live too- zak said while rubbing his neck
-   you still are coming with me so let's go- you said but someone grabbed your hand to not move
-   l l look at the front - Darryl said and you saw zombies walking to all of you
-   alright one thing i didn't told you - you said and they looked at you confused
-   what is it?- george asked
-   back of from me and don't be scared aight? - you asked and they walked away from you

You then closed your eyes and transformed to your full wolf form . They were scared. But you runned to the hord of zombies and you started killing all of them one by one. It didn't last long just 10 minutes but your wolf were in blood. You walked to your friends but they were still scared so you though about something. You sit on the ground and you bowed to them. They were confused at first but then bowed to you. You then layed down and Darryl walked to you.
-darryl what are you doing?- zak asked
-its y/n what do you mean?- Darryl said and now he was in front of you .
You were laying down still and he patted you and was probably happy about it.
- guys come here!- he said laughing
- a alright - george said and they walked to you too
- pat her come on!- he said to them and they did as he told
- o oh so fluffy - zak said smiling
- yeah i agree - george said

As they were patting you you transformed to your werewolf form so you were a human.

- and what do you guys think about my wolf?- you asked
- it's cool!- Darryl said
- yeah- zak and george agreed with him
- alright now we need to go - you said and took out something from your back
- what are you looking for ?- zak asked
- my sister hat - you said still looking
- why?- george asked
- i have my nose to find the location of them- you said and take out her hat
- oh alright - george said
You sniffed the hat and had the smell.
- alright we need to get going now - you said
- b but can i pat you please ?- george asked embarrassed
- yeah sure - you said and walked up to him And he patted you
- th thanks - he said and he took your hand

You started walking to the direction while holding George's hand.

S/n pov
' how long we are going to walkkkk' you though to yourself

- guys look!- tubbo of yelled
- it's a house !- tommy said
- and it's clean somehow- dream joked
- yeah but someone need to check if it's clear- Nick said
- i can do it !- you said
- no - b/n said to you
- i am stronger than you  what do you mean no!- you yelled at him but he didn't care
- i am checking - he said later

You growled at him .
- what are you gonna do ? - he asked and then laughed
- grrr i can bite you - you growled and he looked at you
- guys it's gonna be dark we need to go now - dream said
- grrrr you think you can bite me ?- he growled
- wait guys i think i know what's going on - tubbo said scared
- yeah?- nick asked
- it's the full m moon look- he pointed at the moon
- and what ?- tommy asked
- they are  l losing  c control - he said struggling
- oh so it's bad i guess - dream said
- you bitch stop growling at me !- b/n yelled and runner at you
- no no it's happening what do we do ?- tubbo asked
- i i don't know we need y/n - dream said
- grrr back off !- you yelled
- we need to hide in the house quick - nick yelled and they followed him

B/n transformed into werewolf form and tried to bite you but you were quick . And wanted to bite him but it didn't work so you were trying to not get hurt.

Y/n pov
- guys they are close - you said and they smiled . You were still in your werewolf form.
- i want to see them so bad!- Darryl said happy
- me too - zak said
- yeah- george said

But then all you heard was a howl and it was your sister second later your brother howled.

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