chapter 25

444 16 6

In the morning

Y/n pov

I woke up laying alone on the ground so i got up and went to my backpack to change clothes. In the same time I saw that only me nick george and Clay are awake. I saw them outside the window and went to them.

- hey!- you said
- oh hey y/n- they said
- did you guys sleep well?- you asked
- yeah- dream said
- that's good then- you said
- well we were thinking...- nick started
- yeah?- you asked
- you can tell if someone is alive or not right ?- george asked
- and tell where they are yep- you said
- well we have something - Nick said
- we found it in Darryl backpack- clay said
- and what is that ?- you asked
- this- george said handing over something to you
- is this - you started
- Niki's hat yes - Nick said
- so is she alive ?- clay asked and you sniffed the hat
- thank God ...- you said
- she is alive - you said smiling to them
- that's good maybe we can look for her later ?- george asked
- no you can't you're gonna get hurt- you said walking back in house with Niki's hat
- oh come on - clay said
- you need to get guns but the heavier guns - you said

When you walked in home tommy and tubbo was awake.

-hey tommy tubbo - you said
-hello - tommy said
-hi!- tubbo said smiling
-did you slept well?- you asked
-yes! I was cuddling with tommy and s/n and i was warm - tubbo said
-yeah same here - tommy said looking at s/n
-alright now be honest - you said walking to them
-yeah!- tommy said concerned
-do you guys like my sister ?- you asked smirking
-uH uUhH i mEan - tubbo started getting red
-why you asking ?- tommy asked embarrassed
-well if you do I can tell you more about her -You said winking
- um i mean - tommy said rubbing his neck
- i would like to know her better - tub of said smiling
- alright so you two like her thats new - you said laughing
- did she had a boyfriend ?- tommy asked and you looked down
- yeah she had.. - you said
- what happened to him?- tubbo asked
-he was a criminal later .. i didn't heard of him since she broke up with him- you said
-oh what did he do?- tommy asked
- he was known by kidnapping his girlfriends...- you said
- b but she was his girlfriend .- tubbo said
- yes but I found her quick without him knowing .. Our parents didn't know about it since we moved out- you said
- oh so you weren't living here from the start ?- tommy asked
- yeah we were living in y/c - you said

(Y/c is for your city if someone didn't know 0-0)

- i i have a question - tubbo said
- ya? - you said
- d did she l like us s?- he asked embarrassed
- i can't tell you that. She is supposed to tell you this - you said winking
- ohh come onnn- tommy said pouting
- no - you said walking to Darryl
- good morning- Darryl said
- good morning sleepy head - you said
- wake the others pretty please ?- you asked
- alright !- he said

You walked to backpack with food taking something for everyone to eat.

- SOMEONE T TOOK N NIKI'S H HAT!- Darryl said and you looked in your pockets taking out her hat
- Darryl calm down- you said
- y you ha have it?!- he said
- yes i was making sure is she alive or not - you said
- YOU CAN DO THAT?!- zak yelled
- yes?- you said
- well is is she a alive?- Darryl asked
- yes she is i am going to look for her later now everyone come here- you said
- alright - everyone said

A/n helloooo i know that this story doesn't make sense but it's for fun onlyyyyy.

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